Help please!


Active Member
I have hair algea and aptasia like crazy! WHAT CAN I DO??? I am so sick of this crap its so irritating! I added 10 blueleg hermits today and a scopus tang to help with the hair algea but the aptasia is still driving me nut I will be picking up some peppermint shrimp tomorrow but what else can I do please help!!!!!


well i had the same problem with my tank and all you can do is just wait until it goes makes your tank look ugly but you can check with your lfs they might can help you get rid of it...good luck


What are your nitrate and phosphate levels? All you can do for the hair algae is , is to get your water quality up. Must often poor water quality comes from over feeding and not doing water changes. You may also want to check when the last time you changed your light bulbs. Worn out lights can also contibute to algae growth. As for the aptasia people use Joes juice. They sucked it up in a syring and inject the juice directly on the aptasia. PP shrimp are hit or miss with aptasia.HTH


New Member
They make a product called "joe's juice" it comes with a syringe n u just squirt the stuff into the aptiasia's open mouth....they'll die off then some come back after a while.they supply enough to kill em over n over till they're all gone...prob solved!...reef safe 2


Active Member
Lawn mower blenny hair algea will be gone and under control! I have a 55 that was full of hair and 1 LMB in a weeks time it was gone now he eats algae sheets.


Active Member
thanks all for the replies I bought some joes juice today so we'll see how that works. I will be picking up some P shrimp on Thursday so we'll see about that as well. As for the algea does anyone know if erythromycin will stop hair algea? Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
What are your nitrate and phosphate levels? All you can do for the hair algae is , is to get your water quality up. Must often poor water quality comes from over feeding and not doing water changes. You may also want to check when the last time you changed your light bulbs. Worn out lights can also contibute to algae growth. As for the aptasia people use Joes juice. They sucked it up in a syring and inject the juice directly on the aptasia. PP shrimp are hit or miss with aptasia.HTH
Bulbs are brand new in lights, and I feed about once a day to once every 2 days. Nitrate is at less than .03. Oh and more good news........
one of my green chromis died tonight
fantastic i've only had him about 1 week I got 3 at once so i'm hoping the other 2 are going to be ok...