help please


New Member
I have a pair of captive bred O clowns in a 12 gallon aquapod. I know that the one we think is female has lymphocytis (I know wrong spelling). We have had them for about two months and they had been the only fish in this tank. We recently added a green BTA and an arrow crab. My wife noticed the spots about a week ago and it seemed that during the day you couldn't see them it was when the lights turned off that they were noticeable. Now you can see them all the time. Both fish seem very healthy and active and are even showing signs of breeding. I want to think that this might be ich. But I could not understand how this could show up two weeks after we brought them home when they were the only fish in the tank. Can anybody confirm my diagnosis and how is the best treated. Also it seems that both fish seem to be chewing on the tips of the anemone's tentacles. Not like they're eating but like an infant suckling. Should I be concerned. The lighting is just what it came with. And the levels in my tank are textbook perfect. Out of the five tanks that I have, the largest being 200 gallons, this 12 gallon as the best test results. I hope someone can give me an honest. Here's a picture


Active Member
Yeah, we definitely need to know what your exact water levels are in order to help you. We need to know your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, salinity, and temp.
It does appear that they have ich. This would be best treated with hyposalinity in a quarantine tank.
Also, lymph is caused from stress (usually due to poor water quality).


Do you have a QT set up? Im not sure of the treatment for the lymphocytosis, but I know that the best treament for ick is hyposalinity. Do you have a refractometer?
Your pic is interesting because the smaller white spots look a bit like ick but the larger white mass near the pectoral fin looks more cotton-like...


New Member
Here are my levels:
Ph: 8.2
Sal: 1.025
Temp: 78 F
Amon: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: trace
Phos: 0
Mg: 1470 ppm
KH: 12
Yes, I do have a refractometer and a qt tank set up. My lfs told me the treatment for lymph is 1: leave it alone and it will go aay in time, or 2: I can cut them off. Well I am not about to play surgeon on my "kids". I spend countless hours on my fish, I have 5 tanks a 100gal reef, a 55 fowlr, 12gal aquapod reef (the one in question) and 2 10 gal hex one for seahorses and the other the qt. the funny thing about the "ich" is that it is noticeable when the daytime lights first come on and about an hour later they almost disappear. wierd. is there an article here on exactly how to do the hyposalinity treatment? Thanks so much for the help


New Member
Well, I moved both into my QT, now the male seems to b very lethargic and rather than his color fading he seems to appear "cloudy". These poor guys and I think they were right in the middle of "badda bing" if you know what I I will try to get some pics of the male


Staff member
If you have a QT then do hypo on both fish. You may want to consider some freshly made food, such as the one that I have in the FAQ Thread. Add garlic to one feeding a day [fresh garlic as described in the FAQ Thread]. Target feed at least twice a day. Make sure the QT has plenty of hiding hiding/comfort spots for the fish and good water circulation.


New Member
well, they are in qt tank and hypo is 24 hours in. about 4 hours ago i lost the male. it doesn't matter what the circumstance, losing any fish is painful. I spend countless hours taking care of the tanks. I do not understand what happened. within a period of 12 hours he went from colorful and healthy looking (except for the ich spots) to ghostly pale and "skeletal". i dont understand how he could have faded that fast he looked well fed and a few hours later looked like we had not fed him in days. Hope someone can help me solve this. I am continuing the hypo on the female I am using a submersible filter and a biowheel. I mincd fresh garlic and di water to use to thaw their food (prie reef, mysis, brine and krill) also a nice sized piece of "fake coral" with plenty of hiding spot