Help! Please!


New Member
I've got a problem!
I've had this beautiful singapore angel for about 4 months... He's been doing wonderful. He eats well and moves around the tank a lot.
Recently, he's fallen ill. I have no idea what could be wrong with him! There are no visable signs of disease on him. No bites, no ich, no fungus... nothing. All of my parameters are good... all the other fish, inverts, and corals are great. The singapore just hangs out in the rocks and sort of wedges himself in there... He's breathing really heavily... and he hasn't eaten in 2 or 3 days... I'm wondering if it's some sort of internal parasite?? If so, is there any way to treat him? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!


Active Member
I would re-post this under the disease and treatment forum and hopefully somebody can help you. Good luck


Active Member
if hes breathing fast he might have a parasite, angels are sensitve to water quality and get ich easily most likely thats what he has
also a poor diet contributes to illness in angels, if u can remove him and isolate him and try a hyposalinity treatment


Active Member
What have you been feeding it and what all has it been eating ? Give details of the system.