help please


New Member
my husband and myself are very new at this saltwater thing so any help would be nice we just got our live rock last week and i have noticed little white tube things on it and long skinny worm looking things come out part of the way and go back in can someone please tell me what this is? thank you :notsure:


New Member
they are white and not much bigger than sewing thread some times more than one will come out it looks like they are collecting dust off the rocks and taking it back into the tube thing with them


Peanut worms? :notsure: I think whatever they are if they are white little worms they are probably ok-I think.... :notsure: :notsure:


Active Member
If they are throwing webs, then they are not featherdusters they are spirularl (sp)worms and are harmless, but are a nasty thing to see if you do notlike them. They cast their webs to catch food. They can be easily broken off if you do not like them.


New Member
they do not throw webs i tried to get a photo of them but they are so fine it does not show up and they are quick i noticed that in one of the tubes that three came part of the way out they seem to be skittish i dont mind them being there if they aren't going to harm my starter fish


Active Member
i beleive they are spagethi (sp) worms, they are a common reef hitchhiker that willhelp to keep your tank clean of any detrius. May i ask how long the tank has been set-up and what type of "starter fish" you have, most lfs will sell you damsels or something like that to "Cycle" your tank, this is not needed as the live rock and sand will cycle itself, all you have to do is add a tiny bit of fish food to keep the beneficial bacteria growing, most of the time people find out way to late that the starter ffish they have they no longer want when it comes to actually stocking the reef, it is better to just wait for the cycle to end, then add fish slowly, starting with the hardiest fish first, then going into the more delicate fish as your tank matures. just a thought though


New Member
we have had our tank for 4 weeks and we have green chromas (i think thats how they are spelled) i did not know that you did not need starter fish we were told that they help your tank cycle better do you know if there is a web site that will give me some better knowledge on saltwater tanks because i sure need the help thank you