Help Please!!!!!!


i noticed this afternoon that one of my hammer corals was looking poorly, came back and one of the stalks had been completely torn up and ripped away. i later found both my bicolor blenny and one of my yellow tailed damsels hovering around and nipping at it. has anyone heard of this before?! im def. getting rid of the damsels, they are pain in my you know what and arent worth it. but i love my bicolor!!!


i am feeding them food that is prepared at the lfs that they absolutely love, i have two yellow tails, a bicolor, and two clowns. they have never attempted to harm/eat the corals at all. i do not think im under feeding, but i guess that's possible. i give the tank one cube of the food at around 5 pm every day, and have done this for as long as ive had the tank; w/ no problems.


They were nipping at the Floating Piece or the Hammer Coral?
Both of those fish should care less about a coral and are deemed reef safe. So I have no Idea what would cause them to do that.


they were nipping at the pieces floating initially so i thought it couldnt have been them and started to place blame on my halloween crab. but then i came back and both of the fish were nipping at the actual coral itself and ripping pieces off.


Originally Posted by BSchaible
they were nipping at the pieces floating initially so i thought it couldnt have been them and started to place blame on my halloween crab. but then i came back and both of the fish were nipping at the actual coral itself and ripping pieces off.
That is very strange. I don't think I have observed or heard of this behavior before in either of the two fish species, but I’m no expert.


i called my lfs and spoke with a woman there that knows EVERYTHING and is absolutely wonderful; she said she's heard of a couple rebel damsels doing this and suggested i just get rid of the pair; which ive been debating for awhlie now...they seem to be just way to aggressive and problematic. i guess i wont miss the 10 dollars invested in the pair...
any suggestions on other fish to possibly get?


What size is your tank?
Clown Gobies, Firefish Gobies or Percula Clownfish are always great nano fish to go with.