Help please!



I have a couple of questions. First my wife has told me that there is a film that keeps forming on top of the water in my tank. SHe said it appears to be some kind of algae but that is the only place it appears will a protien skimmer help this problem? All the water parameters are good she tested it last night. The other question is does anyone know where I can get some corals for a decent price besides the small selection here? I want to get some while she feels bad for me and is allowing me to order. hehehehehe Thanks and sorry for the length of the post.:D


Is there anyone that can help me out? SWF is all sold out of corals and I need help with the other question as well. Thanks


The proteins in an aquarium tend to float to the top and collect. I have found in my tank that if i put my protein skimmer on as a hang on it would stir the proteins in to the water and to the skimmer pump. Sometimes the currents in your tank can make a dead spot on the top where there is no water movement and the proteins will just colect there and not make it to your overflow or skimmer pump.


We can't post websites that sell corals here. If you want to e-mail me I can give you a list of other coral providers on the net. My e-mail is to the left by the way.
As far as the film goes I am not 100% sure. I had something like that on my tank and, from others that I talk to, it happens on most other tanks. I don't know what it is but my guess is that it is some kind of precipitate from all of the chemical reactions that are taking place in the water and near the surface. Personally, I would recommend a skimmer on any tank, at least until you know enough about things to do it naturally. To take care of the film though you would need some kind of overflow that sucks the water (and film) off the surface. If your tank is too small for an overflow or you don't want to set up a sump, Red Sea makes a skimmer, the Prism Pro Delux (or something like that) that has a skimmer cap on the intake tube. Those that I know use it seem to be satisfied, but it won't get all of the film on the surface if you have a tank with a large surface area. HTH


Thanks for the advice I just purchased some corals and a skimmer I am not sure of the type but it has external pump (maxi-jet) power head and is a hang hopefully my wife will set it up correctly.


Ok just looked it up I purchased a SeaClone skimmer for an aquarium up to 100 gallons and I have 55 gallon. Also I ordered a Frogspawn, a Green Finger leather, Blue shrooms and A bubble pearl coral just some opinions on whether 260 watts PC in a 55 gallon is going to be enough or not so I can cancel the order. Thanks


i have a SeaClone, not the top of the line but it seems to work well for me.. i think that should be enough light for those corals.. maybe you could put the frogspawn and the bubble closer to the top if you have any problems... hth:)