Help...Possible Ich?


I used kick ick for two weeks worked great and I have a 90 gallon reef tank and full of inverts and corals hard and soft nothing died.


Originally Posted by PebblesMarlenJ
i have 2 clowns, 1 lavender tang, 1 hippo, 1 scooter blenny, 1 damsel, 1 live rock w/button polyps, 1 chocolate chip starfish, 3 anemones
Do you have a quarantine tank? You cannot treat the fish in the display.
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Do you have a quarantine tank? You cannot treat the fish in the display.
no, but i just set up a 35 gal rubbermaid tub to treat. in the meantime i have cleaned out my tank of algae and waste, added 20 lbs of new live sand, 15 lbs of aragonite, added biospira to jump start my bacteria filtration after my water change since my fish are in quarentine


Originally Posted by PebblesMarlenJ
no, but i just set up a 35 gal rubbermaid tub to treat. in the meantime i have cleaned out my tank of algae and waste, added 20 lbs of new live sand, 15 lbs of aragonite, added biospira to jump start my bacteria filtration after my water change since my fish are in quarentine
You are going to treat the fish in the tub? That will be very tricky to observe them. What have you added to the tub for biological filtration?
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You are going to treat the fish in the tub? That will be very tricky to observe them. What have you added to the tub for biological filtration?
i added some biospira to jump start my bacteria filtration. i also added the fake decore that was also in my dt and some sand and crushed coral. as far as observing goes, its really not too difficult with the filter off.


Originally Posted by PebblesMarlenJ
i added some biospira to jump start my bacteria filtration. i also added the fake decore that was also in my dt and some sand and crushed coral. as far as observing goes, its really not too difficult with the filter off.
Is the tub clear as glass? How will you be able to see them? They are not Koi fish. You will have to see their sides and fins.
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Is the tub clear as glass? How will you be able to see them? They are not Koi fish. You will have to see their sides and fins.
no, the tub isnt clear, but it doesnt matter because theyll be in quarentine for at least a month. im using a 5gal tank to put them just for observation, then back into the tub they go