help!! potters angel might have a fungus / cyano question


hello. i feel like things are going terribly in my tank. my potters angel has a spot in between and slightly above his eyes. its not ick and it has gotten bigger since yesterday. my lfs recommended for me to do a formalin dip in saltwater for 3-4 minutes. would you guys recommend this?
also. i have had cyano in my tank for a few weeks. its all over the rocks and the sandbed. i have cut down on the time i have the lights on and have been feeding a little less then before but it hasnt helped. my lfs recommended chemi-clean. does anyone recommend this? i searched the site a bit but its hard to tell.
my tank is a 29 gallon with a wet dry filter and about 25 lbs of live rock. i have a percula, yellow watchman goby, and a potters in there with a bunch of blue leg hermits and some turbo snails.
water parameters :temp - 80 degrees, ph - 8.2, nitrates/ites 0, ammonia 0


Active Member
W/O a picture it's hard to say what the best treatment would be. How long have you had the angel? Is it eating?
FWIW, potters are poor risk. Most do not do well in home aquaria long term. Your tank is not suited to keepng one of these fish either. The majority of the succes stories with these fish are from those who keep them in large reefs with copious amounts of live rock. Cyano is best battled with improved water flow, light feedings, and frequent water changes using RO. Don't do a formalin dip on the angel. My bet is it will die. Again, until you know what you're dealing with, don't use random treatments. Can you post a pic of the fish?


my camera will not take a good enough picture for you to see what im talking about. as for how long i have had him, i have had him for close to 4 months. he eats great. he picks at the rocks all day and loves any pellet food or prime reef or angel formula i throw in there.


Active Member
Describe the spot you're seeing. Fungal infections are really uncommon in saltwater systems. Could it be an abrasion? Is it raised..just a discoloration...cloudy looking? Is the spot red at all (thinking bacterial infection)
Try a 30% water change using well aged/aerated RO water.
It may be a bacterial infection. If the fish is not in visible distress, no intervention may be your best intervention. See what develops. Do you have a quarantine tank set up? In the event you need to medicate the fish, a separate tank would be preferable.


there is no red. the spot is kind of cloudy. it looks slightly raised. i guess an abrasion isnt out of the question but it got bigger from yesterday to today and i guess i would have to keep an eye on it.