Help Power outage


New Member
we lost power due to a storm and the temp in the fish tank is going down. i need help before i harm the fish.


If you have hot water left in your tank,you can fill bags with it and let them float in the water.Also close all hoods and cover it with blankets.HTH

mr . salty

Active Member
Lrt's see.In Oklahoma I don't think that temp will be your biggest problem.If the power is out more than three hours the lack of oxygen in the water will start to cause problems.To counter this you can just get a cup and fill it with tank water then dump it back in.Do this 10 or more times every half hour or so. The next problem will be the bio bacteria dying off in the filter.So you should some how get water flowing through the filter.Even if you just dump tank water through it.Keep us posted on how you do. Oh yea,If you have no power how are you reading this??????????


Active Member
I have read that after 6 hours of no power to any filter it should not be allowed to turn back on until the media is changed due to the build up of toxic substances. The longest one I went thru was 9 hours and when the power came back on I changed every filters media in all my tanks (that was a fun night). I now have back up automatic air pumps on every tank which come on if power sensor tells it power is off. They aren't the fanciest but they work. My only problem with them tho is the two Puffer tanks the Puffers like to nibble on the air stones so I have to change them often,
APC makes uninterruptible power supplies ("UPS")for computers and someone posted a message here that someone is making power supplies for aquarium use. Difference is the computer types give high amps for a short time to allow shut down and the aquarium ones give lower amps but for a longer time (I presume.) I have run air pumps off my APC for 12 hours with no problems.
Good luck!