Help... Powerhead Issues!!!!


Hello everyone:
I need some help on why my power heads are blowing air bubbles in my tank??
Tank info is as follows:
250 gallon Flat Back Hex Room Divider.
I have 2 aquaclear powerheads used in my tank for water movement. They are both FULLY SUBMERGED and have no tubbing connected to the outside. They both have the filter attachment under them for some extra filtration to try and polish the water. The problem I am having is they BOTH are spitting hundreds of air bubbles in the tank??? Where are the heads sucking air from and making bubbles, if they are fully submersed in the tank. ARE THEY GOING BAD?? Should I replace them?? Please help cause since you can view my tank from both sides the bubbles make the water look dirty.
Any info will be greatly appreciated.


New Member
unsure how far below the surface they are, but you may want to try lowering them, as they may be creating a vortex, sucking air from the surface


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefchem
unsure how far below the surface they are, but you may want to try lowering them, as they may be creating a vortex, sucking air from the surface
Excellent point! I didn't think of that.

reef bug

Also try the powerhead without the filter portion. Keep and eye on it so fish dont get too close while you are doing this. I have 2 aquaclears with the filter attachments as well. Dirt can accumulate inside of the filter sponge media even though the outside may look clean. My shrimp were "cleaning" the outside of the filter for me, and I just assumed I had a clean tank.
When I started getting bubbles, I took the powerheads out to clean then. Thats when I noticed how groos the inside of the sponges were. I squeezed them out under the faucet, and you would not believe the gunk that came out. I guess when the sponges get congested, they restrict the water flow which probable makes the powerhead work harder and causes bubbles. Now I just take the sponges off when I do water changes... all part of the routine. I hope this helps.

tank watch

my powerheads do that from time to time. I thinks that they collect oxygen bubbles from the tank and accumulate (sp?) them somewhere inside. When it has so many, poof, a burst of air will come out. Only happens once in a while. Thats my theory for mine. If yours is blowing constantly, I would go with the Vortex from the surface theory. I have seen mine do that as well. Go deep.