HELP!!!! Pre-cured rock--NOT


:help: Yesterday I added "pre-cured" live rock to my aquaruim after doing a 30% water change. I have 5 fish in there currently-yellow tang, lemon peel angel, bicolor blenny, huma trigger nad a banded goby. After an hour or more when the water cleard I noticed my angel on her side so I immediately did a check of the water. The ammonia was off the scales---i rushed out and got some AmQuel+ and dosed the tank. checked water before going to bed and ammonia still high but had gone down a little. Dosed again this am and checked water---unbelievably the water test was normal---unsure if that is because i tested after putting in AmQuel though. Trigger is hiding in a small spot and bicolor has come out and seems to be doing a little better. Have not seem other guys though. Is there anything else I can do? Should I take out all the rock and scrub down or just let it be since the water levels look better. This is all new to me. It is a 90 gallon tank that I have been having someone service so i really do not have the right stuff to do a water change---but I can go get it if needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, during the water change the guy added 8 oz of stress zyme to help with any potential problems

well---as you see----there was HUGE problems. Thank you in advance for any help.
Christy the dummy!!!!


Active Member
Do another water change. All you need is a hose and a bucket. Oh, yea, and the water. You do have a hydrometer don't you?


Active Member
yes do a water change a.s.a.p. ammonia is very toxic to fish, once it enters their gills it is hard for them to get that out. chemicals like you used are good for short term use. most of them change ammonia into a non-toxic form, even though your test kit will test positive for ammonia, it's not really there. but a water change is an absolute. i had the same issue, added live rock and ammonia shot up. where did you get the rock? online? if so, when shipped most of the critters died causing ammonia to spike. good luck with everything.


ty---i just went and got some RO water in hopes to do a water change this afternoon---should i take out the live rock for a scrub down or not? Also my PH dropped when i last checked it so i added some marine buffer.---so all i need to do is a water change?? No rock scrub down. I got 45 gallons of RO water just in case i need to remove the rock. I am just so new at this and my fish guy is out of town. Also my yellow tang now is swimming in circles up top and has pop eye on his left side.


got on-line [Link Violation]. Also spoke to local dealer and he said that what's done is done as far as toxticity and to just keep PH up and check Kh and to also get an airstone for 02. Said there was no need to scrub the rocks. :confused:


Active Member
your best bet is to remove the rock and put it in a seperate tank/container with a powerhead and filter and let it cure in there for a week or too. do water changes until no ammonia is detected in both your main tank and the cure tank/container. i went through the same thing... it was a pain in the butt, and almost made me wanna give up on the hobby, but didn't. i got through it, and you will too. best of luck.


Active Member
"Pre cured" still has a lot of die off.
Yes, take the rock out of your tank and scrub it. (I use a new toothbrush)
Place the rock in a seperate container until it clears up (could be weeks). Basically, any rock you get from mail order should be treated like uncured rock.


I had major problems with that vendor as well!
But when they say rock is "pre-cured," I think all they mean is that they treated it to get rid of hitchhikers like mantis shrimp. It isn't actually cured. And all of the rock you buy on-line needs to be cured once you get it because they begin to deteriorate during shipment since they are not submerged in water.
If you have a quarantine tank move the fish in there!!


Active Member
DO NOT REMOVE THE ROCK! the cycle has already started, removing the rock will not stop the cycle or change anything in the water. You might as well leave it go.


OK---now I am really confused---i have gotten many differant sug. The only one that matched w/ a local daeler was to let it be and try to keep ammonia levels doen and pH normal. i was told to get air stones for oxygen and also a test for Kh. So wahat is the skinny??? Honestly, as much as I would hate to lode my fish---it seems like less of a headache than trying to take the rock out do a waterchange and cure the rock again for 3 weeks. :confused: :confused: Please someone HELP. I am so confused as to what to REALLY do. Like I said before--i am using Amquel+ for the ammonia and Marine Buffer for the PH. The levels all seem none toxic now--however the pH dropped b/f adding buffer--after that it did raise a bit. I really have littte to no hope for my yellow tang b/c he wasn't doing well prior due to HLLI. So do I just keep with what I am doing and say OK---if I lose $100.00 worth of fish so be it or what!!! Or if I keep doing what I am doing can the rest of the lil guys make it----i know it will be a bumpy road for them. I do not have a QT so I ma SOL as far as that goes. Thanks again for any feed back.
:confused: :confused: :confused:


still need help---any advice!!! PLEASE. To make sense of it all and the differant answers I gotten. Should I take Trains advixe---which was the same as my LFD or take the rock out??? I am so confused.
:notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


Personally I think you might as well leave the rocks in and wait it out and hope for the best for your fish. But be prepared to lose them!
And in the future be very careful about adding rocks into your tank. Smell them before you put them in - if they smell bad, they're not cured.


Thnks DM. That's kinda what I figured and am just keeping my fingures crossed. Is there anything else I need to besides using the buffer to help raise the pH and the ammonia blocker for the ammonia levels? I am afraid they may not be getting enough O2. How can I tell? When I saw the trigger and barred Goby they were breathing very slowly, my bi-color blenny looked 1/2 dead--he had vertical stripes, yellow tang just looks like crap---eyes bulging and have not seen the lemon peel since last night. Thanks again for everyones help.


There's not much you can do (except maybe setting up a quarantine tank for your fish?) Curing is a natural process you can't really speed up. It will take as long as it will. By the way, any chance your LFS might fish-sit your fish??


well i don't have a QT and the closest LFS is about 45 minutes away -- i think the fish r stressed enough. The thing is all my levels I have checked are normal except pH is a little low--nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia are normal. Don't have anything to test alk. though. Getting that in the am


Anyone else w/ ideas regarding what the heck to do about my tank? i noticed that DM has little to no experience---no offense DM.