Help, Problem with corals


Hey, For some reason, some of my corals are not acting that good, I have some gsp, rics, other musrooms, zoos, and 2 unknown corals. The Greenstar polpys, rics, and other musrooms are the only ones that are open and look like thier doing good. One of the unknown corals is deflated, while the other one is limp. By the way, my Tank is a 10 gallon, 96 wat pc's, with a 2 gallon fuge that holds cheato. Any help would be great.
Here are 2 pictures of the unknows corals.



Active Member
the first one is a hammer or a frogspawn, the 2nd looks like mabey a leather, kenya tree mabey, what are you water parimeters, and how long ago did you add the corals?


its alot harder to keep corals in a 10 gal tank than say 80-100 gal tank, i think this only the start of many more problems too come. what kind of filter system r u using, the temp of the water r u using r/o or tap water?


Hello, Thanks for the replies,
Have you tested your water? If so then what are the results?

Amm- 0
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- 0
PH- 8.3
Calcium- 320
Salt- 1.023
and how long ago did you add the corals?
About 3 weeks ago
what kind of filter system r u using
2 gallon refuge with liverock rubble and cheatomorpha algae
the temp of the water
r u using r/o or tap water?
Also, My zoos are not opening either


The first pic (frogspawn/hammer) is deflated, that pic was from a week ago, but currently it is deflated, Kinda like all the tenticles(sp?) are flat and you can see the mouths in the middle.


check for any metals in the tank. i had the same problem. all my corals were mysteriously melting away. i later found a rusty bolt in my powerhead. get a carbon bag or anything that will get any iron, copper, or any kind of metals out of the water. i was as stumped as you were, but it has to be something. also, check your zoos for any nudibranchs or sundial snails. i had those for a while. good luck


Originally Posted by ReefDude37
I have a 20" 96 watt PC's, Thanks bigpete I will look
by the way im not taking credit for this...bonebrake helped me out. hopefully bonebrake or someone else more helpful than myself will jump on this thread as well. also, try a 50% water change. worked for me!