Help! Puffer Question


Hi Everyone,
I have a question, I was wondering if anyone has heard of this or done this.
I bought this Black Masked puffer 2 weeks ago, he has been doing wonderful. I really enjoy him, anyways I came home last night and it is like he has some air in his back end. He swims around and eats fine, but when he stop's swimming he floats to the top in the corner.
I called the store where I purchased him and they said he needs to be burbed. Don't Laugh! Well I caught him and held him in the water with his face pointing upwards and gently squezzed him and rupped his belly. Well I succeeded in making him poo! Well I did this again and he still looked a little funny. This morning at 4:30 AM he was swimming around like life was good then when he stopped swimming he was back up in the corner. He looks like he has a little air in the backend of his belly. I did this all again and he pooped again, but still looks like he has alittle air in there. I don't know if I am doing this right or if I should just let him be and let him take care of it on his own.:help:
Oh yea, I tried spooking him to make him puff, but he does not spook easy. He does'nt even mind if I tough him, he acts like it is all good that I am trying to hold him.LOL
Here he is!


Active Member
Do not spook him to make him "puff"..that can cause the air to get trapped.Just leave him be,and it will work it's way out.Handling a puffer is not a good idea,as their skin is venomous.


I've burped a few puffers before and pooing is a pretty typical response, but leaving it alone is deffinately the best thing to do. They also puff up if you rub their belly, but it's never a good idea to tickle something with a sharp beak.


Well I worried about him all weekend, I have not burbed him since friday. I can not seem to get that air bubble out. But he is back to swimming around and being cute. This morning he was sleeping on the bottom center front like before, I am hoping he got the bubble out on his own.:)
The good thing with all this, me and him really bonded, he now eats from hand, he is the most gentle guy. My angel rips it out of your hand, but with him you can barely tell he even took a bite.:D
Thanks for the suggestions I really appreciate it.


That is just a really really interesting story to a novice like me. Seriously. Thank you.


"Handling a puffer is not a good idea,as their skin is venomous."
to the guy who said this, puffers flesh and skim are poisonous, but ohly if you EAT it. now as far as fish go if this puffer gets really stressed out they can release this poison and possibly kill the rest of your fish. i just had to clear that up