Help pump heat problem


New Member
I reciently finished setting up a new 65gRR FO tank. I had a Little Giant 4 MDQ-SC with 810 gph at 3' of head. This pump ran fine but the tank is in a office/TV room so I wanted something as quiet as possible. After searching the boards I purchased a new Custom SeaLife T1 pump. The pump is as stated "So Quiet youll hear nothing". The problem is ever since I changed the pump my temp wont go below 80. I have unpluged the heater in case there was a problem their, no luck, left the window open at night with tempatures in the 60's, still no luck temp at 80. When my lights go on I have to put a fan on the pump or the temp in the tank has climbed to 88. The pump is not overly hot (I can hold my hand on it). In fact it is cooler running than the Little Giant. Has anyone else had heating problems with this brand of pump? I was tossed between the CSL pump and the Quiet One but did not want to restrict the output like I had with the Little Giant.
well i dont know anything about that pump, so i cant give you any info about that, but as far is the over heating is concerned it could be the weather or a malfunction with the heater is self, for instance i dident change my setting on my heater and it runs my tank at 78degrees , but for the past few days, the weater been going into the 90s, and my tank due to no air condition on got to about 84 , also how many watt heater do you have and what does your tank normally run at b4 the problems


New Member
My day time temps are in the low to mid 70's. Also I have unpluged the heater so it cannot be the problem. The only thing running is the pump. thanks


Hi there!
I have the same problem as you --- I do have the same pump in my main tank and like you, I am having trouble keeping my temps down. I live in Canada and the daytime temperatures here are still fairly cool (high 60s to low 70s), and yet, during the day, the temps in my tank can reach up to 86. I have tried drilling holes in the cabinet (behind where the pump is)and I've installed a small fan to cool it down a bit with very little success. Other than replacing the pump itself, I don't know what else to try. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.


Active Member
If I were you I would get rid of that pump. It is made by Dolphin pumps who no longer recommend their pumps, even the titainium ones, for saltwater. I had the original 1200 that was extremely quiet but extremely hot. It eventually seized up then I went through a bunch of bu@#$*it with dolphin to get it replaced. They ended up sending me somebody elses repaired pump.I now use an Iwaki.


Active Member
I have the 40rxlt and it is absolutely cool to the touch. The japanese motor is supposed to be more quiet but I dont think mine is loud. The gen-x are suppose to be great pumps. I wont buy another dolphin pump because I dont trust them now.


New Member
Hi everyone
Thank for all the response, sorry I am so long in getting back it's been a hectic week. Since the origional post I have seen the recall on the CSL T pumps. The place where I purchased the pump has agreed to exchange it for a new pump of my choice. After reading all the input I think I will go with the Iwaki with the japanese motor. Buy the way Old Yeller yes the pump is as quiet as they claim! to bad fo us the pump has other problems. From what I have been able to find out it may be the design that makes it quiet actually causing the problem.