*HELP* put 200lbs LR in tank... and water is yellow dirty looking


well i scrubbed rock and pured club soda on it and after all day and night and day it cleared up from sand and all that cloudyness now water is like pee yellow.. like dirty yellow.. any way to fix it besides hella water changes????? any thing i can put in my tank like some kinda filter...


to check for mantis shrimp...
but putting lots of rock in new tank is it normal for the water to get yucky.. not cloudy but like yellow dirty.. and smelly..... is there something i can put in tank or just do like 10000 water changes.. but im not suppose to do water changes during cycle..


Active Member
If this is uncured LR it's normal ..... wait out the cycle and when you do water changes things will get better.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure club soda will kill your live rock. How many pounds of rock did you put in? What size tank? If you put 1.5-2 pounds per gallon in all at once, I'm sure it could make your water yellow. Try running carbon in your filters until it clears up. I'm really concerned about you having poured club soda on the rocks.... that sounds awful in my opinion


yeA it was uncured but after cycle do u kno how many water changes it will take to change all this water to clear again.. sooo much.. wat if i had like charcoal or watever does any of that stuff clear water?


I have been in this hobby for years and have NEVER heard of Club Soda being used on live rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JFDJason
I have been in this hobby for years and have NEVER heard of Club Soda being used on live rock.
I too had not heard of club soda but there were plenty on here yesterday saying thats a great way to do it!

Running carbon pads in your filters should help in several days. Good thing it's cycling IMO


Active Member
did a search and hes right bang guy does it he adds salt to the club soda we all know bang guy knows what hes doing so stop giving Mike a hard time


Your cycling your tank, give it some time, run the carbon, let things calm down, in about 2 weeks do a small water change to get rid of some of the club soda! That's just me, others may have differant thoughts!


Active Member
Club Soda is "carbonated" water...carbon dioxide... I'm betting EVERYONE has some of that in their tanks...
Adding salt helps with osmotic imbalances, using it straight is like a FW dip...


I had the same problem when I put 80lbs LR in my new tank. I was advised to use my skimmer and carbons in the filter. Takes a few days but it will clear up. :joy:


k ima by Carbon.. is there a certain brand..??? i need to put it in a high flow area.. umm ill put it right next or infront of my return pump for a few days..



I'm new at this myself so maybe some else out there has more info? I use the carbon filter cartridge designed for my Penguin Biowheel. Guess it depends what type of filter you have... Did have to empty the skimmer cup frequently the first few days as it kept bubbling out the top. Good luck!


my doesnt bubble it builds water LOL.. smelly ass i almost threw up this morning dumping it out i ran out gagin... OMG i almost died...


Yeah, it stinks to high heaven.
I get the dirty water too, but some of the dirty froth comes up out of the small airhole on the cap.