Help Quick!!!


Active Member
i just went down to check on my fish and right as i sit on the chair next to my tank to look at the fish my sailfin tang vomits. 3 times to be exact. Does this mean hhes gona die. he usually eats way to much and his stomach gets really big is this just a faster way to make him self thinner? the onlyyproblem with that is that he ends up eating 1/3 of it again and the other 2/3 is split between my blue hippo and my purple tang.
I need help with this please reply fast i would like to find a way to cure him if this is a disease...
should i start giving him garlic in his food just incase it is an internal parasit.
THANKS.... Reefiness, :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:


Active Member
What are you feeding the fish? Tangs need a lot of veggies. They are omnivores and will gorge themselves with other food after they are used to your system. However, they will do best with lots of nori or spirulina in their diets.
How long have you had this fish? Has anything else been added recently? If the fish has been in your tank for a while and has been eating well for a while, it is unlikely that you have an internal parasite.


Active Member
it has been in the tank for a while and it is eating normally. i feed my fish a piece of seaweed along with spectrum all purpose formula and a small frozen cube of plankton. the most recent fish i have aded was my purple tang a little less then 1 month ago.