To answer your question, no, I dont think they will make it. Also even if they do survive, they will die eventually. What you will be buying are copepods. Mandarins dont eat copepods, the eat amphipods. Copepods are almost invisible to the human eye. Amphipods are the pods we normally see in our tanks. Amphipods eat copepods. Another thing is that most people tend to exaggerate when rying to make a point, especially when it comes to doing things that most people cant do. Case in point, people saying they kept a mandarin in a small tank for a year before it died when others couldnt do it. The fact is they probably had it for 3 or 4 months before it died, and the most important fact of all is that the fish still died. So whether the fish surives for 4 months or a year, it will still starve to death. It will just take longer if it lasts a year.