HELP-Red Sea Prism Skimmer


Ok, I need someone to help me out here.
We got a Red Sea Prism skimmer for our 55 gal tank was on sale...and best we could afford right now....will get the Remora hopefully by the end of the year......
anyway, cleaned it, put it on the tank, plugged it in...looked cool...foam bubbles started coming out of the top in what I am assuming is the collection cup.......problem!!!!!
Water is filling the collection cup as well.....and if we keep it on, it's going to overflow.......
so what do I do?????????????????
Please help??????


i had the same problem with that skimmer, you have to adjust it to flow as little as possible and adjust the venturi so it doesnt let too many bubbles in there.
also one thing you can do is there is a little plug on the lefthand side of the collection cup, and what you can do is put an air plug(or any small tubing) into it and it will flow into a buck or whatever.
Its a pretty poorly designed machine, you just have to adjust it.


Originally Posted by WillCon
i had the same problem with that skimmer, you have to adjust it to flow as little as possible and adjust the venturi so it doesnt let too many bubbles in there.
also one thing you can do is there is a little plug on the lefthand side of the collection cup, and what you can do is put an air plug(or any small tubing) into it and it will flow into a buck or whatever.
Its a pretty poorly designed machine, you just have to adjust it.

By venturi, do you mean the knob that allows the water into the intake??
I'm not too worried about the bubbles, I'm worried about the water.....the collection cup is filling with water...and it's going to overflow.


its the screw knobb on the inlet pipe, the more open it is the more air gets through, the more bubbles you have the more liquid is going to end up in the collection cup you just need to adjust it. its a tricky peice of work, i couldnt stand it so i just bought the asm series, which i would highly reccomend.


mine did the same thing at have to change the flow of water in to it...if theres too much the cupp will fill right up...I read that if you adjust it to where the water goes right below where the collection cup begins, it'll work great....I've had it several months and it works fine for me!


the prism skimmer is a awesome skimmer despite what people say about it , you just have to get it adjusted right , and dont worry about it bubbling right away , its not supposed to , you have to give it time , mine pulls stuff out you couldnt even imagine , it really works as well as any really expensive one , you just have to use PATIENCE with it , like everything else in this hobby..... without patience you have already failed


Originally Posted by Oceanist
the prism skimmer is a awesome skimmer despite what people say about it , you just have to get it adjusted right , and dont worry about it bubbling right away , its not supposed to , you have to give it time , mine pulls stuff out you couldnt even imagine , it really works as well as any really expensive one , you just have to use PATIENCE with it , like everything else in this hobby..... without patience you have already failed

Ok, so I adjusted it last night to where the foam/bubbles were just barely making their way up the collection cup tube...I felt comfortable with it and had the venturi "almost" closed off...but looked this morning and there is about an 1/8 inch of foam in the collection cup...and it looks quite nasty. I'm going to assume that the skimmer is starting to do its' job, and I'll check it again when I get home.