help! red slime everywhere


Active Member
Hi, a while ago I posted about red slimy stuff growing on my crushed coral bed. The otherday I did a water change as I do weekly and used the vacum to hopfully suck this stuff up. Nope it just spread it around even more. A few questions Please help if you can:
Is there anything that will eat this stuff?
What causes this horrible stuff?
By turning out the lights will it die off?


Its cyno. I HAD a severe case of it as well. My nitrAtes and Phosphates were high.
I was using reular grade a chicago tap water...ITS LOADED WITH PHOSPHATES...As soon as I turned to Reverse Osmosis water, half of the stuff went away. I then turned my attention to the nitrAtes. I built a fuge and the Culpara takes care of the trates....Measured 0 about 15 minutes ago.
This is just my experience which I used a combination of many peoples advice from this board. Be in it for the long haul. You wont get rid of the Cyno overnight but it will gradually go away.
Heres a list of what I did
1. Changed to Reverse Osmosis water (RO water) VERY IMPORTANT!!

2. Did small water changes daily.
3. Ran a Phosphate filter for 2 days
4. Every day I did a small water change, vacume and remove as much Cyno as possible.
5. Built a fuge and put culpara in it (SW plants use up the same stuff that cycno lives off of)
Hope this helps


Oh..I forgot...I never changed the amout of light or how many hours the lights were on for...I guess it could help but if you have corals that need light???
Forgot one other thing..pulled back on the amount of food I was feeding the fish:D


Red Slime algae is really bacteria (cyanobacteria). This is not caused by phosphates. The natural way of ridding the tank of this is to first skim off as much as you can. Then do a 50% water change. Several smaller water changes will not work. You will never get the bacteria down low enough to catch up.. I expect the tank is less that a yr old and I has not matured all the way yet.. After the water change cut lights back to 4hrs a day for 4-5days then start bringing the lights up 1hr a day till back to normal. Also cut back on feeding some. Another suggestion is make sure you have a deep sand bed of at least 3-4in. This will let enough good bacteria grow to help prevent this problem..If you just cannot wait You can use a product called chemi-clean by boyd enterproses, inc... you can do a search on the internet for thier phone # or where to purchase. After using wait 2days then do the water change...Their are no short cuts...good luck...
If your tank has 100gal and 50ppm nitrates, a 10gal water change has the following affect:
This example shows that nitrates are continously it would take over a week to reduce the concentration of pollution in your tank 50% with such small water changes.
This doen't take into account that nitrates are countinuously added to the tank via waste coversion.
You need to do a 50gal. water change to be effective and add a DSB to prevent further nitrate buildup naturally.
The question is why did you get it in the first place..Is the clean up crew large enough? Is there enough current flow in the tank? Have there been overfeeding? It is real hard for red slime to grow with heavy water current. Move heads around to get rid of dead areas.


Active Member

Originally posted by dive1
This doen't take into account that nitrates are countinuously added to the tank via waste coversion.

. . . . nor does it take into account the biofiltration of the tank. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Thanks for the info. I would just like to ask, I first noticed this when I started to feed "Spriulina Flakes" Would this have any affect on it?


This may sound crazy, but this is what I did. I was told that there ARE things in your sand bed that eat cyno. I very carefully turned the cyno over and covered it lightly with sand(using my glass scraping blade). This allowed the critters to get to the cyno better. I did this in combination with frequent RO/DI water changes, lighter feedings and light reduction. If any was on the rock, I scraped it off with a toothbrush. It took awhile, but it disappeared. I'm not saying this is a definite cure, but it worked for me.


Sounds good maxi ... the cure is deffinetely not quick and a 50% water change seems very drastic.
dive1 - Here is a link to a site that details Cynobacteria. Phosphates seems to be one of many culprits. I'm not saying the ONLY, just one of them....maybe you need to update your canned response regarding the discussion of Cyno. Seems to be the same response you've given people for over a year...COPY and PASTE :D
Then again, just because its on the Internet doesn't mean its the truth



Active Member
search for a thread on this board by JustinX called "how to rid your tank of red slime!" Very good article on how to take care of this nuissance.