Help Red Slime


New Member
GREAT Stuff... so far. I had a large outbreak of Red Slime Alge and this stuff immediatly stoped it and it's now shrinking. According to both my LFS' it's totally Reef Safe. Only problem I've noticed is now I've got an outbreak of some green fuzzy alge. Not sure if it's related yet.
Your best bet will to be to fix the problems that cause cynobacteria grow.
1)Dissovled Orgaincs
Need to run a skimmer and don't over feed.
2)Phosphates in your water
Check for phosphates, Use RO/DI water instead of tap water.
3)Wrong spectrum of lights
Insure that you have the proper lighting. Also, make sure that your bulbs are not old and have shifted spectrum.
Using chemicals is only a bandaid. Try to get the cyno at the source.


Active Member
i agree with me-n-my-fish in that you need to stop it at the source. Use the chemi-clean now, but only as a cosmetic combatant, and then for the time being try to discover the source of the excess organics. a big one is aerosols. if you wear cologne or perfume, or spray aerosol deodorant near the tank it will act as a source of phosphates, which your tank will absorb, and the cyano will feed off of. Also ake sure you only rinse you hands before working in the tank and dont use soap, because soap also contains phosohates and if they arent thoroughly removed before you stick your hands in the water you can be leeching this stuff into your tank, and the cyano feeds off of it!
good luck


the outbreak of the green algae is probably related to the disappearance of the red slime -- they are opportunistic creatures. If you remove the one, the niche becomes empty, and if the source is still present, then another opportunistic algae will bloom. Best to fix the problem at the source. adding chemicals is always a stop-gap measure at best.