help regarding perculas

i have a new tank, (cycled and all) purchased 2 percula clowns, they paired up very quick. problem is 1 got brooklynella within 4 days of arriving home, i started treatment in hospital tank (both clowns) the sick one died within hours, the other clown seens to be fine, it just sits on the bottom of the tank (depressed) but seems healthy. i did find out these are ocean caught, not tank bred.
question; should i purchase another percula that is ocean caught or tank bred, or can i get 2 more with hopes they all get along.
i understand i have to get perculas only, no other breed, tank bred are more hardy and not suseptable to disease like the ocean caught.

bang guy

If the surviving Percula is young then:
1: it's not depressed
2 - It will quickly pair up with another Percula, tank bred or wild caught.
Why not go tank bred and help out the ocean a small bit?