Help! Sailfin Tang Not Feeling Well


New Member
I purchased a small yellow sailfin tang yesterday. I acclimated him for 4 hours before adding to the tank and he seemed fine before leaving. He immediately started eating some of the algae within the tank.
This morning when I arrived he was at the back of the rockwork swimming near the bottom. Any suggestions or actions I can take?
Water Parameters:
NH3 - 0
NO2 - .3mg/l
NO3 - 0
PH: 8.0
Salinity: 1.023
Shrimp and Nemo seem to be doing fine. I can post pics if that helps.


New Member
Is this the 14 Biocube that you are putting a sailfin in?
Seems like putting an elephant in a small dog crate and asking why he isnt happy.


New Member
Yes he's in the biocube 14. LFS said he would be fine while he was young. He's real small at the moment. If you still think it's a bad decision I can take him back.


New Member
I am far from experienced on tangs so I'll let the experts chime in on this. Doesn't seem like a good idea to me though.


bro bring him back ! lol befor all the tang civil rights protesters come in hear and rip you apart! lol just warning you !


Active Member
Did you look into how big that fish gets at all? You can't keep a foot and a half long fish that likes it's swimming room in a 14 gallon biocube, take it back to your lfs and never go there again as they lied straight to your face, then buy Scott Micheals Guide to Marine Fish and find a fish compatible with your size tank which is mostly gobies and blennies.


ya but for him to get that big its gonna take a while...he should be fine for a year if u want to keep him badly. then give him back


New Member
So sorry for putting a sailfin in the 14g. Fish store took him back and gave me credit. I think I'm going to get a RBA for the clown.
I will save my next sailfin experience for a larger tank.


Active Member
Good plan use your credit for some coral or a fish that stays small. RBA would probably need more light but clowns will host many corals and some won't host anything at all. You could try some frogspawn, toadstool leather, or hairy mushrooms.


hate to do it but told you so ! those tang police are brutal! if they could punch you thru the internet i'm pretty sure they would! lol o well we live we learn!