Help setting up a new sw tank, what do i do?


Ok, Currently I have a 75g f/w tank that is up and running, but since it is not doing anything for me, I have decided after much deliberating that I want to change over to a saltwater tank. I am very excited so I have to restrain myself from rushing into it. Firstly I have to relo the f/w fish. If anyone in the LI, NY region wants them they can have them. Will post what fish are available after I take inventory, just email me if you are interested. Now, let me see. I would like to do a fish sw tank. My main goal is to get a dwarf lionfish. I would want to do a crushed coral, live sand mix in the tank as I have heard the coral will have maintain the pH. I have 2 eheim 2028 filters on my tank and a whisper power filter. Is that sufficient filtration? I do have a powerhead, I will check the stats on that, it is brand new. I need help as to where to start and what to do. May be a checklist so I do everything properly and in the right order. Help! I have been reading the other questions so I know I am in the right place, looking forward to all your replies


Active Member
well, heres a list of things i would suggest
- wet/ dry filter( i dont think the filter u have right now is sufficient for a saltwater tank of ur size) with a pump
-a heater that can keep ur tank around 78-82 degrees farenheit
-a test kit that will test ph, nitrite,nitrate,ammonia, alkalinity, and thats all ur main test needs, maybe calcium
- like 3 big powerheads, not to sure how big for a 75 gl
-refractometer or a hydrometer
- sea salt, such as instant ocean, thats what i use but theres plenty more out there
-about 75-100 lbs of live rock should do u well
- u may, or may not need new lights, i no basically nothing about lighting so u will have to ask someone else about that, u wont need very big ones though if ur not doing a coral, reef tank.
feel free to add to the list, this is just what i believe is necessary to start ur tank


Active Member
u will then need to cycle ur tank, do not just set ur tank up with these things and expect to put fish in rite away. i forgot to say a substrate on the list above , u will probablly want to use live sand or crushed coral, i use crushed shells which looks really nice, but sand is nice too. i would not recomend using both crushed coral, and sand.

who dey

Active Member
very good list!! let's make it easy on yourself from the get go. No Tap Water!!! spend 200 bucks and buy a RO/DI unit. I battled algae for awhile and it was really annoying until i switched to RO/DI. welcome to the hobby and good luck!!!


Hey guys thank you so much for your help. I do have a heater. I was wondering about the canister filters I have, each one is can be used in a 160 gallon tank, can I still use them or do you still recommend against it? Can I use a mix of live sand and regular marine sand. How deep should I make the bottom layer, what quantities should I use of the ls and non-ls. Im trying to think of more questions. When setting up the filters should I have them aim up to break the surface tension as well as the power heads or it doesnt matter.


Active Member
as long as you have plenty of live rock and sand, and a protein skimmer, you won't need any special filter or wet/dry. a wet/dry/sump is very nice to have, but not completely necessary as long as you have the stuff (rock, sand, skimmer) for biological filtration.
I would also recommend an RO unit. you can actually get one for about $125 on ----. if you use tap water, you'll probably regret it for the year that it takes you to clean up the mess.


Active Member
Dont mix cc and sand, use one or the other. I suggest sand. cc can be a pain, and has to be cleaned. I use a canister filter to run carbon and phos zorb.
You can buy r/o water at walmart from thw machines.
Also you will need live rock, 75 to 100 lbs


ok so im definately going with sand, what quantity would you recommend for a 75g? Now when I put the live sand and regular sand in the tank and fill it up with water, do i put the live rock in then or do I wait for it to start cycling for a couple of days? How long do I keep the lights on for? Do I have the heater running from the start? How soon do I start the powerhead running?


Active Member
I would put in sand and water and salt, let it settle for a few days. then add live sand on top. (is live rock cured or uncured) if it is cured then wait. if it is uncured then add it to help your cycle. once the sand is settled then start your power heads.
you dont need to run your light. but you do need to run your heater. not sure on how much sand you need. I have a 55 gal tank and put in about 60 lbs. so i would say 75 to 80 lbs total.
Good luck


what kind of light bulbs do you suggest? I have a 2gal nano sw tank set up with 2 little crabs and a tiny damsel, someone gave me the live sand from their tank for it, and i bought a piece of live rock. That tank it doing well, it has no lights on it, only a heater and pump, I hope my 75g tank will do as well, fingers crossed!


Can I use any of my fw test kits for the sw tank, like the ph and ammonia kits? Is there anything special I need to do to prep my tank now before I start other than draining it, removing the sand and rinsing it out??


My husband came up with the bright idea of going down to the beach to get LS and cycle water, i told him that its prob illegal to do that and it prob wouldnt work. Is he right (not that i would tell he is right) but can i do that to help cycle the tank. Throw some bio balls into the ocean and go back for them a week later, JK


Active Member
it is probably not illegal to do it, but not recommended. water close to shore is polluted, and you are far better off mixing saltwater and letting it cycle. the only ocean water that should be used should be collected 12 miles or more offshore.


Thank you Pontius, tha makes sense. I think i will go to my LFS tomorrow for inspiration and research. Will keep you all updated when everything comes together.