Help Setup Quarantine Tank


I bought a used 25 Gal (used to be freshwater) Aquarium from a Co-Worker and thought I might set it up as my quarantine tank for my 46Gal Main Tank. I am thinking that I would prefer to keep it running all the time if possible as I don't really have the time to bring up and down every few weeks when I'd want to use it (I have 1 year old twin girls that keep me busy). I also don't have a sump in my main tank, so would have to cycle the thing every time I wanted to use it.
It's a "Tall" 25Gal I think (24"L x 12"W x 20"H) and came with a Eclipse 2 Filtration and Illumination System (in desperate need of some cleaning, new filters, bulbs, etc). I can toss that Eclipse system if it's not going to be needed (or cost more in parts to get fixed up).
What else am I going to need;
75W Heater
Light Fixture of some type (if I toss the Eclipse)
Filter ?? (What type/brand/size, etc?)
No LR/LS... Some PVC, or Clay Pots or something for the fish to hid in (I have some Freshwater decorations and fake plants that came in the tank).
And How do I "cycle" the Quarantine take if I don't have any rock or sand or whatever in it? I have some Blue/Green Chromis (5) in my main tank that I was thinking that I had to get rid of (at least a couple) as I start stocking my main tank that could live in there when it wasn't being used as a Quarantine maybe?
Thanks in advance for the help!


Cycle it with a cocktail shrimp. If your 46 is cycled you could put some bio media from your 25 in there to get the bacteria to frow on that for a couple of weeks then just pull it out put in the 25 filter and should be good to go.


Originally Posted by usinkit
Cycle it with a cocktail shrimp. If your 46 is cycled you could put some bio media from your 25 in there to get the bacteria to frow on that for a couple of weeks then just pull it out put in the 25 filter and should be good to go.
46 is cycled, but I'm not sure what you mean by Bio-Media... could I pull water from my 46 Gal as I do water changes to fill the 25?


There is no need to put LR or LS in the QT. This could actually hurt your QT if you need to medicate. All you need is PVC for structure, filter, lighting and heater. I wouldn't advise adding clay pots or fake plants either. I think most people use/recommend a basic HOB filter like the Whisper or Emperor. You can use water from your DT as long as it is of optimal conditions.
If you use a shrimp to cycle tank ensure it is completely cycled before adding any fish/coral to the QT. Good luck.


Yes you can do that. What I mean about bio media is the stuff that is in your filter on the 25. Bio media is like little pebbles and cyclinders. What kind of filter do you have for the 25?


Active Member
You can put some pvc pipe in your display tank for a few weeks. Then move it over to your QT tank to bring beneficial bacteria over. Bio media is anything like filter sponges, gravel, etc. (things that have bacteria already on it)
Yes. You can use water from your display tank for water changes in your QT.


Originally Posted by SuperWade2
46 is cycled, but I'm not sure what you mean by Bio-Media... could I pull water from my 46 Gal as I do water changes to fill the 25?
This is referring to maybe a sponge or something from your DT that already has good bacteria on it to kick start your QT.


Originally Posted by usinkit
Yes you can do that. What I mean about bio media is the stuff that is in your filter on the 25. Bio media is like little pebbles and cyclinders. What kind of filter do you have for the 25?
In my main tank, the 46, I am running an Emporer 280 Bio-Wheel as my only filter (plus Remora Pro Skimmer)...with 80 lbs of Live Rock I've been told I don't really need the Emporer in the 46 Gal and maybe I could just move it over to the 25.
I don't have any type of filter for the new (used) 25 Gal yet...


Yea I would move the emperror over to the 25 and you should be all set. If you do that feed the 25 a pinch of fish food every other day for a week and test your water for ammonia. If 0 ammonia you should be all set.


Ok, reading the FAQ and other posts, I am getting mixed messages about Live Rock in the Quarantine tank....
I have a decent ammount of what I would call "Live Rock Rubble" (about the size of an adult Finger or so, but about 5+ lbs worth)... It's no longer "live" becuase it was just dumped into a Tub and left to dry over a month ago, but it seems that I should be able to do something with it. I also could do with a couple less chunks in my main tank if I could put a some in the QT Tank...
So after a little cleanup of the 25 gal, I'll move the Emporer 280 Bio-Filter from my main tank to the 25QT add a Powerhead, Heater, etc and start moving water from my main take to the QT... a couple 25% PWC and some fresh mixed SW should do the trick it sounds like.


You're still confused about LR in QT? 1911 Guy gave you the site to view. Beth is one of the sharks (experts) here, scroll down til you see the heading for Live Rock, etc. That will answer your question.


OK, this may sound dumb, but the PVC elbow fittings I bought all "FLOAT" when I dropped them into the tank... they wer 2" and 3" openings, but apparantly none of the 4-5 that I bought were heavy enought to stay on the bottom of the QT tank...
Am I missing something?