Help...Sick Blue it to late? HLLE


OK...a few weeks ago i posted some pics but it was hard to see what i was looking at, its gotten alot worse in the last few can pretty much say that for 20 days the hippo wouldnt eat and just sat behind a rock...
well in the last two days I found somthing that he would eat and he has finally started eating the last two days and is actually out swimming around and for as bad as the pics look he looks to be doing better....
Is this HLLE? or what is it?
Parameters all good....but what should I do to help this guy along?



Staff member
I can obviously see that something is very wrong, but those blue hazy pictures make it impossible to really tell for sure what is wrong. Is this fish still in QT? If so, maybe its time to move him to the display.


turned off one of my ballasts.....these should be alot les blue.....yes the fish is in the DT



Staff member
Definitely HLLE. If there is no other disease processes going on, acclimate this fish to the display. Take a look a the info on HLLE located in the FAQ Topic, top of Disease Forum.