HELP! Sick starfish



Originally Posted by stayseelyn
Misfit- he was not limp when i bought him. Only recently has that happened. He's still alive though... just extemely lethargic.
First of all, quit handeling him, they don't agree with the oils on your hands. Well, quit holding him after you do this next experiment... Flip him onto his back and see if he can right himself. It may take a while, but just see if he can do it...
Corally, Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by stayseelyn
I'm still workin on raising my calcium... adding arragamilk every other day or so. It's at around 320 ppm right now. Not sure on the alk... i don't have anything to test it with. My inverts and corals seem happy with cyclopeze and a couple of the mixed foods i use... marine cuisine and emerald entree, for example.
Misfit- he was not limp when i bought him. Only recently has that happened. He's still alive though... just extemely lethargic.
i suggest picking up some reef advantage calcium buffer it also contains strontium and magnezium that your inverts require.the levels of your cal you have listed are low enough to cause this effect


New Member
Well, i flipped him over. After waiting 15 minutes or so, he turned his arms so that they were upright, but never flipped his body back over. Got nervous when the damsels thought it might be fun to eat his stomach and flipped him back over.


Active Member
Does not sound good espically that fish would pick at him(they seem to know when things are sick) I would try not to handle him and try to offer food.IMO damage is done due to acclamation and if thats the case theres nothing you can do.Hopfully for your sake im wrong.Good luck.Hopefullt ophuira will jump in soon and mabey give better and more hopefull advice.