Help - Sick Yellow Tang


New Member
Hi All.
I have a yellow Tang that is very sick. He has not been eating in awhile and now appears very skinny. Often he will lay at the bottom of the tank and not move until I walk by the tank. His eyes are still very clear and his breathing is normal.
What meassures can I take to get him back ? I've purchased a varity pack of frozen food and vitamins which I am adding to the frozen food. I just started this today. In the past 6 months he had been eating flake food quite well, but stopped about a week ago and started to thin out really badly.
Is there anything else I can do for him ? I would really hate to lose him.
The tank parameters have not changed at all and everything else in the tank is in good health.
Thanks very much for any advice.


I will start off with what others will want to know to be able to answer your question because I can't. They will want to know :
1. What size tank
2. Water Parameters
3. Filtration
4. Other fish in the tank
Get this info up and others will be better able to help you


New Member
It's a 30 gallon tank. Water info...
Salt: 1.026
Temp: 78 F
Nitrites: Under 10
Nitrates: 0
Amm: 0
PH: 7.8
The tank has tested with the above parameters for months now. The nitrite level moves from 0 to 10 every now and then... it was under 10 at the last test which was yesterday. I test every week and do water changes every 3 to 4 weeks of 6 gallons. The tank has been running for 9 months now, the yellow tang has been in for about 6 months.
Other creatures: Chocolate Chip Star Fish, 4 snails, a hermit crab, and a bandit shrimp.

sinner's girl

how long has it been since he last ate? My tang died (we didn't know how important the seaweed was). once he stopped eatting (well actully the clown wouldn't let him eat...) we got the seaweed but it was too late...
Get some Seaweed or something green asap. try to make him eat that. is he picking off of the rocks? if so he might have a chance. if the water is bad it could be a combo of different things... or one or the other. But I'd get green food for the tang now.
good luck, hope he pulls through