HELP! Slug-like creatures taking over!


Hello there, fellow reef lovers. I need some help identifying and, if possible, advice on how to control the creatures that have over-populated my tank. Here's the best description I can give: they are red, slug-like, about 1/8 of an inch in size, are flat and shaped like sting rays (without the long tails), and feed on algaea growing on the glass. At the beginning, I didn't have a problem with them, but now, about 4 months after they first appeared, they seem to be everywhere! My major concern is that they also feed on coralline algaea. Many of my once-beautiful rocks are being left bald! I've reread all of my reef-keeping books and haven't found anything about these creatures.
Any knowledge is welcome!!!!


Active Member
That sounds like a flatworm infestation, very bad.
The best bet is probably a whole tank freshwater dip.


Active Member
I had a pretty bad infestation up until recently, I cut way down on the amount of nutrients being added to the tank and they are slowly dying off. They feed on nutrients, ie uneaten food, algae, and they are also photosythetic which is why they hang out if brightly lit areas. I had some luck siphoning them out, but overall I think starving them has helped the most. I do not suggest a freshwater dip which can kill corals, coralline, and anything else living in and on your life rock. They do not hold on very well so rinsing the rock off in a bucket of saltwater is a helpful metod as well. GL

mushroom boy

New Member
Or, you can just ride out the storm. Planaria (flatworms) typically run a course and will become a non-factor in your tank before too long. They will still be present, but the population explosion that you're seeing now won't be sustainable. I say ride it out. I definitely WOULD NOT freshwater bathe your whole tank.


Crap, I had them when I first setup my tank, but I thought they were baby shrooms and was upset when they disappeared while I treated my tank with some meds. I guess it was a good thing and I know you learn something new everyday! :rolleyes: