Help! Smallest tank for damsel??


I have a co-worker who is really upset after learning that her beloved "Mollie", a domino damsel, will soon be removed from our 225 gallon tank in our lobby. "Mollie" has become aggressive. (surprise, surprise!) My co-worker has grown really fond of this fish and loves her little attitude and wants to keep it. She wants to know which tank would be the smallest tank that she could get where she can keep her "Mollie". (She's on a budget and doesn't want to spend a whole lot of money, but doesn't want the damsel to go back, soooo.... ) It will only be the one damsel in the tank, maybe a rock, or some other type of decoration. She is about 3 inches long.
I was thinking that one of the small Eclipse tanks would be good enough to serve the purpose. Anyone know of anything else??
Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated! :)