
New Member
My snails r dying.We checked the water everything is ok.We have 1 dead one and one that looks 1/2 dead.They are about 2-3 mon old.Please help.Thank-You


I ordered the Big 20 pkg from here and my clown trigger has killed about 18 of the 20 snails...Its sweet to watch him knock them off the glass or rock and them pummel them! :cool:


Active Member
stary; Well in order to know whether this is a problem you should be concerned about you have to give us at least some idea as to what size tank, other animals, reef or FO or FOLR type. Also, how many snails do you have total is your problem 2 of many or 2 of 2 only. Snails do die and I have had times that all the new ones I bought at the same time died and the old ones didn't miss a beat so I attributed it to a bad batch. But give us a bit more and we will see what the good people around the board think.


Have you added any type of treatments to your tank. I know that if you add algaecide or some medicines can cause this. Let me know.
Originally posted by Stary:
<STRONG>My snails r dying.We checked the water everything is ok.We have 1 dead one and one that looks 1/2 dead.They are about 2-3 mon old.Please help.Thank-You</STRONG>
:D :confused:


New Member
robby, why would you buy a bunch of snails and then relish there death at the hands of another fish? snails are cool enough animals that they deserve my opinion.


Hey - ok, here's my defence. I do think the snails are rather interesting and cool to 'watch' (when they are active) The reason i put them in was to provide my clown something to hunt in my tank so that I can replicate his enviornment as best as possible. I'm not trying to domesticate the animal and I think a predator (especial triggers) deserve the opportunity to kill their food - anything else is cruel, IMO.
I hope that clears it up and in fact I don't appreciate the young comment because I look at the way some people care for their fish and I think it isn't deserving but I don't make judgements.
Maybe this post belongs in the aggresive section, or at least my response, but I was just posting a point a view.


New Member
Robby....sorry for the "young" comment, but your post sounded so insensative I couldn't help myself at the moment...Now that you've explained, I understand. I guess it's not as bad as people who feed live mice and rats to pet snakes.
(I Hate that!!!!).....only MY oppinion :D