Help! Spotted Box Fish!


New Member
This morning, looks like my yellow spotted box fish isn't eating. He would usually come up for food whenever I feed but this morning it was staying from mid-level and below. Looks like he's very weak or lethargic. His balance seems kinda off due to his weakness. What may be wrong? Should I take him out of the tank now?


Does he have signs of ich? (white spots)
What's yoru water stats? (PH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, salinity, etc).


Any changes recently, new fish, new food?
If everything is the same as before, it might not be a bad idea to put him in a QT tank for the time being.


New Member

Originally posted by Duke13
Any changes recently, new fish, new food?
If everything is the same as before, it might not be a bad idea to put him in a QT tank for the time being.

Nope..all been the same routine. Been feeding the tank Spectrum pellets, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp(once in a while), dried seaweed, krill. No new fish/animals. Did a water change last week but everything was still fine till today.
I took him out and put him seperately. Added some garlic into the water and water conditioner and been giving it air and a strip of dried seaweed. No appetite but it's swimming more now.


Based on what you said, there is no logical explanation. He might be simply wasting away or having some kind of internal parasites. Just watch him closely, and let us know if the condition gets better/worse.


my yellow boxfish used to do that occasionally. he would be fine for months then one day he would be very dull in color and be "hiding" in the corners and back of the tank. the next day he would be right back to normal and it wouldn't happen again for months. I attributed it to him being in a"bad mood" for some reason.
I'm not saying that is what your fish is doing (it could very well be an illness) but boxfish are very intelligent fish with personalities so any small change in enviroment could piss him off for a bit. .