help starting 30gal salt tank


Originally Posted by jackhammel
wat do u do to start like do u. just pour salt and water in

first off welcome to the board. Read around there is lots of beneficial information here. You put water in the tank first, then you add power heads, and a filter turn them on then you begin pouring salt into the tank. After a couple days this is where i would begin puting in live rock and live sand. I suggest live rock first then live sand. Turn off the filters and powerheads before putting in live sand. I forgot to turn off the powerhead and the sand messed the power head up. If you put in uncured live rock you won't need to use a shrimp to start your cycle. Wait about couple weeks check water levels after everything reaches the desired reading you can begin to put live stock in.


Active Member
read through the archives. read the threads that say beginer equipment and marine tank setup.


Active Member
Umm... ...Didn't you say somewhere that you had a 30-something gallon...? Sorry, may be my imagination...
Anyhow, good luck with your tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Umm... ...Didn't you say somewhere that you had a 30-something gallon...? Sorry, may be my imagination...
Anyhow, good luck with your tank!
who was that question directed towards?


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
who was that question directed towards?

Whoopsie, sorry, not you. jackhammel. Okay, I remember reading something about a 30-something gallon. I was wondering if you had set it up all wrong or something, haha.


Active Member
Easiest way
1) Get tank
2) Get lights
3) Get Filtration
4) Get a Heater
5) Get Aragonite Sand (You can buy 30lb bags)
6) Mix your saltwater in a seperate bucket or plastic trash can get your salinity to 1.025
7) Dump water in tank
8) Get live rock about 1lb per gallon
9) Let your tank cycle when your Ammonia + Nitrite + Nitrate are at 0 you are cycled
10) Slowly begin to add livestock


mrchinky71 said:
first off welcome to the board. Read around there is lots of beneficial information here. You put water in the tank first, then you add power heads, and a filter turn them on then you begin pouring salt into the tank. After a couple days this is where i would begin puting in live rock and live sand. I suggest live rock first then live sand. Turn off the filters and powerheads before putting in live sand. I forgot to turn off the powerhead and the sand messed the power head up. If you put in uncured live rock you won't need to use a shrimp to start your cycle. Wait about couple weeks check water levels after everything reaches the desired reading you can begin to put live stock in.
[/do u get just a normal filter or a saltwater filter]


Active Member
id just use a refugium and lots of live rock if youre planning on doing a reef. if youre doing a fish only, then id look into some type of wet/dry or canister filter along with live rock.