this is true, they say the puffer will go with the lion because it wont eat it, no it wont eat it but it will kill it, IMO 2 angels will go fine with the lion, AS LONG as its ATLEAST 6' long tank, any smaller and your angels wont have enough space, not even for one, they need atleast 6', i tried to haggle my way into trying to put one into a 4ft tank that was 5ft high but the hight isnt to important, but they NEED 6'. cant stress about that enough.
the best person you should talk to is Cranberry, she knows the A-Z of lions and frogfish, they go together, but i dont think the frogfish will be ok with the tangs or angels, you may end up spending $200 on a fish and the frogfish may decide he fancys it for dinner, kill it, then leave it, there nasty, take on things ALOT bigger then them too so i've heard.
so your best bet is to stick with something like this:
2x large angels (if its a 6' tank, if not then 2x dwarf angels)
1x volitan lion
1x sailfin tang/purple tang/yellow tang
1x hippo tang/ achilles tang/ most surgeons
maybe an eel?
something like that. if you want the lion, stay away from triggers and puffers.
you also need to make sure that when you buy the tangs, you get 2 Different species, like if you get a purple and a yellow, because they are so similar chances are they'll fight, same with the sailfin, so get one from each group and you may be ok.
Lionfish are NOT aggresive, if there hungry and something will fit in its mouth, it'll eat it, but it will never bully a fish. puffers on the other hand will bully, they very commonly bite off the fins of the lions, then the lions get an infection, and dies. very common mistake. i wanted a lion and a trigger so bad, but they just dont go