Help stocking my 125g.


Hi, I am starting to setup my new 125g FOWLR and am very excited.
The problem I have is that there are way to many fish out there that I like.
I am having a hard time deciding on my stocking list. I am torn between getting a few larger aggressive fish (ex. huma trigger, dogface puffer, wrasse, tang) or a tank with a more peaceful community (ex. flame angel, clowns, blue jaw trigger, tang, flame hawk chromis). One criteria I have is that the fish are relatively easy to feed. No live, etc.
Just trying to get some input from other people.


well If you want a trigger you wont go wrong they are very active and move around alot. My huma is a nut coming up and rubbing against my hand and biting fingers during feeding along with my lunar wrasse who is even more acitve. They feed really easy anything hitting the surface is going to be eaten so don't worry about that at all with those type of fish so if you want my opinion get the trigger and some fish with him.


I have a Bursa trigger very active and eats alot and anything you throw in the tank for food. Another vote for trigger and puffers. Dog face puffers are the best looking puffers imo.


My Blue throat also is a great eater. He'll eat anything! Rosy Reds,sea weed,brine,squid homemade fish food...anything. He eats the rosy reds like spagetti. So cool and it is so cool to watch him lay down. You have my vote for the trigger. He also gets along good with everyone.


I definitely want a trigger of some sort. Just had to decide between bluejaw and huma. If I go bluejaw I could get away with smaller, more peaceful fish. (At least that is what I think....I never had a trigger before).


Active Member
My niger trigger is so very mellow that its scarry . he just hangs out around his rock and waits to be fed. He hasn't made any agresive moves tward anything else in the tank. My stripped damsels on the other hand want to fight with everything including me.
I would go with a puffer too. maybe a yellow belly dog face.