Help?? Strange threadlike thing coming from rock


Hey -- I just bought an established tank and noticed a small creature living in the rock who pokes his little worm hands out and releases a thread to form a long web that flows in the water. Is this bad??? I know there are harmful anenomes and although he doesn't look like the ones I've seen I think he could be one. My tang swam through him and the web broke off on him -- he didn't seem affected but I can't be sure. Any thoughts? Thanks for your help -- Tim
-- I cant figure out how to put pictures on this thread. It says the file is too large. I will happily email them to you if you think they will help with the diagnosis! Thanks again.


Active Member
its a tube worm
they create calcium based tubes in which they live and they release a thread like strand of mucus to catch any food that floats by in the current.... they then real in the thread eating what is caught along the way ....
nothing wrong with them at all i have about 15 in my tank some large some small but they can be fun to watch as the real in there thread to eat


Wew -- Great to hear that they aren't harmful. Thanks for the reply. What do they eat? Are they beneficial to the balance of the system? Thanks -- Tim


Active Member
they are just a harmless hitchicker that finds its way into tanks via LR or coral frags u may purchase.... they pretty much eat any small free floating material such as the food u feed your fish.... any filter feeding foods u might use and other small stuff like floating detrius.... they are probably neither beneficial or non-beneificial to a reef system they are just something cool thats found its way into your tank...
ive found dozens of things that have found there way into my tank via rock or new coral some good some bad