HELP Stressed Out Powder Blue Tang


I need some help
I moved some rock in my tank and now it seems my Powder Blue is all stressed out. I see some very small spots of ich on him. What should I do!!!!:help: :confused:

bang guy

IMO, do nothing. Let it calm down and fight off the Ick on its own. Extra food right now won't hurt.
If plan A. doesn't work or it appears to be getting worse then plan B. would be a Hyposalinity treatment.
You could spend a few days setting up a hospital tank for plan B. if you don't already have one.
Peruse the Disease forum also.... There are very knowledgeable persons there.


Active Member
If the powder blue is healthy enough, he should fight it off on his own. However, I would also soak his food in garlic so that he has a little bit extra defense working on his side.


Good Morning
I started feeding the food soaked in garlic and the Powder Blue is eating like a pig. Yesterday when I got home the fish seemed to settle dow and as I walked to the tank did it usaul beg for food thing. I check on him this morning and the white spots are almost gone I saw like 3 or 4 ich spots. My Powder Blue is looking great. Thanks guys for the help.
Besides making the fish eat what does the garlic do for them.


its also good to soak your food in zoe and zocon they provide vitamines for the fish and helps build their immune system. Thats what I did when my gold rim got ich but I continue to soak the food in zoe and zocon, also turn you heat up to about 81 82 it speeds up their matabolism.

bang guy

I'm a big fan of Zoe and skeptical of Garlic. However, there are numerous experienced hobbiests that swear by the use of Garlic.


Active Member
I love Zoe as well. I soak all of my foods in it. (I alternate soaking my foods in Zoe, Zoecon, and Vitamin C). Like Bang, I love the Zoe and have been skeptical of garlic usage in the past. However, the more and more I use it and hear about using it, the more it grows on me. Some have recommended to use it with each feeding, but I don't agree with that method. However, when any of my hardy fish come down with ich, the garlic works within a day or two to rid them of the ich (both in freshwater and saltwater). I would much rather use the garlic than treat the fish or quarantine it in a separate tank because that is just even more stress on the fish.
On a similiar note, the same situation happened to me a few months ago that happened to your powder blue. My hardy engineer goby came down with ich after I moved some of my rockwork around, and after noticing this, I soaked my food in garlic before I fed him and the ich fell off of him within that day and since then he has been totally fine and ich-free.


I will stick with the garlic. my fish look great now no signs of ich. Im going to keep feeding them the garlic for a few more days. I was even thinking of adding a drop or two to the food once a week just to keep them safe. I belive there is nothing wrong with this.