HELP!!! tang has ick?


ok, i did some water tests last night and this is what i'm sittin' at right now:
nitrate- 15
nitrite- 0
Phos- 0
Amm- 1.2
Copper- 0.15 (which is the recommended therapuetic level)
btw ed, it is an ionic based copper, so i'm ok there. went ahead and caught my other 4 fish and placed them in quarantine with the tang.
so, how are these levels? should i try and reduce the nitrates or wait and see what happens over the next couple days? is the amm ok? i didn't have a chance to get a pH reading, but will tonight.


damn. yea, i feed them every other day. so i don't think that's the problem. i guess it could be the filter? it had only been in there a couple of hours when i performed the test. i will test it today when i get home to see if it has dropped off any after being in there 24 hours. also, would adding all those fish at once raise the levels up?
if the levels haven't dropped off when i get much of a water change should i do? a couple gallons (that would be about 25% change) or more?
also, why are my nitrates so high?


alrighty. i'll do about a 3 gallon water change. that should be around 30-35%. and i'll test it a couple hours after the change.


well Ed, my tang died :(
i'm not sure if it was the stress from doing the copper treatment or the ammonia levels in my q-tank, or if it was the ick? he started losing his yellow color in certain places and his eyes were like "cloudy" looking. i never could get my ammonia levels down??? i did DAILY water changes. they always stayed highly toxic around 3.5 or higher <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
i started using some ammolock i had about 3 days ago (suppose to make ammonia non-toxic, but not get rid of it)....and it almost seems that is when the tang really started going downhill.
i am bummed i couldn't save him :( guess i learned my lesson to always quarantine a new fish before adding to the show tank.
also, how long should i quarantine them from now on till i can add them to my main tank??


well, all my other fish (1 yellowtailed damsel, and 1 clownfish) were doing just fine. (i moved them back to the show tank). and yes, i tested ammonia one time the levels were at like 5. i would change two gallons a day, and was feeding twice a week (only minimal flake food). so i don't know? it was just the tang who never looked too good, but all my other fish were doing just fine.
i guess i needed to do more water changes and less feeding. damn, all that time i thought daily water changes and only feeding twice a week was overkill....whoa.
well, thanks again for all your help. i guess you learn from your mistakes?