Help! Tang is sick


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am sorry that I just gave you a link to look at.
I am not sure what you are saying here. It must be getting late.


Originally Posted by Beckzilla
I do have and was thinking about using my old FW 44 gallon tank but it will take longer to make the water to fill the main back up. Sound OK?
That sounds wonderfull!!!! Have you put water into the 20 yet? Yur DT will not need all of the biological filtration that is in there right now. Take your filter pads out of the DT and (even if you can't put them into the filter for the qt) put them in the water. Your DT has the rock to keep things going just fine. There will be just inverts in there. Use as much biological filtration as you can from the DT. So what if it takes longer to make the water for the DT. You only have inverts in there, make sure everythig is covered in water (your rocks). It will be noisy with the sound of the waterfall from the filters, but they will be ok. Your main concern at the moment is these fish. Do what you have to do to get enough biological filtration in the qt as possible.


Originally Posted by Beckzilla
I am not sure what you are saying here. It must be getting late.
Without getting into detail, I would normaly post the information for people. The info is not mine. I didn't write the post. It isn't mine to offer. In any case, I trust that you found the info I was talking about?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
That sounds wonderfull!!!! Have you put water into the 20 yet? Yur DT will not need all of the biological filtration that is in there right now. Take your filter pads out of the DT and (even if you can't put them into the filter for the qt) put them in the water. Your DT has the rock to keep things going just fine. There will be just inverts in there. Use as much biological filtration as you can from the DT. So what if it takes longer to make the water for the DT. You only have inverts in there, make sure everythig is covered in water (your rocks). It will be noisy with the sound of the waterfall from the filters, but they will be ok. Your main concern at the moment is these fish. Do what you have to do to get enough biological filtration in the qt as possible.
20 gallon still has 2 FW fish in it. Planning on cleaning 44 gallon and getting ready tonight. Dont really have alot of biological filtration as am running protein skimmer with only sponge pad under sump drains that I replaced last week. Any suggestions on more bio? Making water as we speak. Will check back later tonight.


FYI- I am not seeing any white spots on any of my fish. Is it possible that my cleaner shrimp has eradicated the Ich?


Originally Posted by Beckzilla
FYI- I am not seeing any white spots on any of my fish. Is it possible that my cleaner shrimp has eradicated the Ich?
The cleaner shrimp will only pick the ich off of the fish. By now there are more in the sand bed waiting to reproduce. You still have to treat.


Originally Posted by Beckzilla
20 gallon still has 2 FW fish in it. Planning on cleaning 44 gallon and getting ready tonight. Dont really have alot of biological filtration as am running protein skimmer with only sponge pad under sump drains that I replaced last week. Any suggestions on more bio? Making water as we speak. Will check back later tonight.
You can add prime (liquid biological bacteria). Do you have a hang over the back filter with pads in it? You can also sacrifice a cup of your live sand to the qt.


My 44 gallon has a Mag 350 canister filter with 2 Bio wheels. Might use DT sand but would the liquid bacteria be adequate?


Originally Posted by Beckzilla
My 44 gallon has a Mag 350 canister filter with 2 Bio wheels. Might use DT sand but would the liquid bacteria be adequate?
I am pretty certain that the bacteria from fw would die in sw, unless you wait untill you are in hypo to use the filter pad and biowheels (less salt, almost brackish. The bacteria would be fine in that). The sand would help, but here is the thing with that; the bacteria will live, but any organisms will die in hypo. There should be enough bacteria in the sand to cover the small amount of die off. All of that combined with some prime should be enough. You will probably still get some spikes, but not a full cycle. Just watch your parameters VERY closely and have water mixed to 1.009 ready to do a quick water change if need be. (you shouldn't see any spikes in the 48 hrs it takes to drop it)


OK, got some Biozyme and Rid Ich today at the local LFS. Ready to fill 44 gallon with display water and get QT running. Should I put some Biozyme in now and should I run the Mag filter and Bio wheels now? How long until safe to start hypo?


Originally Posted by Beckzilla
OK, got some Biozyme and Rid Ich today at the local LFS. Ready to fill 44 gallon with display water and get QT running. Should I put some Biozyme in now and should I run the Mag filter and Bio wheels now? How long until safe to start hypo?
Rid ich shouldn't be necessary. You should realy just run with the hypo now. Once the SG is 1.009 then put the bio wheels from the FW tank in there. The filter you should be running, but if it is from the FW tank (keep them wet), then keep out the pads untill your SG is lowered. After the first-second day that your fish are in hypo the ich is going to get paranoid and attatch like crazy. Be prepared for that (it won't be so bad being you are performing hypo in a qt, in a display it is worse) You will have to monitor your levels very closely and have water ready to do a change. We will walk you through this, keep us posted.


Appreciate all your assistance. Am finishing filling QT tonight. Should I let it run for a day or so before putting fish in? The clowns are getting a little lathargic. The Mag 350 I have I just totally cleaned and was planning on putting a new filter pad in. My question right now is should I be running charcoal in the Mag at any time during hypo?


You only need to run charcoal to remove meds or make your water clear. Not a necessity at this point. Carbon is only active for 48 hrs. You are using your tank water correct? With no substrate? You don't have to let it run for a day, just be certain that the heater is stable and doesn't fluctuate the temp. The last thing your fish need right now is added stress. Why are the clowns looking lethargic?


Yes, transferring water from DT to QT. Will be done with that tonight. So I can put fish in as soon as I get temp up to snuff? Dont know what is going on with the clowns but I am noticing that they are spending alot of time close to the bottom which is unusual. Yes or no on the Rid Ich.


No, don't use the rid ich. Copper and hyposalinity are the only two treatments that are successful in treating ich. It is important to know what is going on with the clowns, if they are sitting on the bottom that is not good. Take a good look at their body. See if there is anything on them other than some ich.


The clowns are acting much more normal now. Will be putting them in QT tonight as the temp was still low late last night.


Finishing filling QT now. Anthia just died and trigger is dying.
Can I start hypo as soon as I get fish in QT. It is a 44 gallon tank. How much water to take out and change each time and what duration between changes? I want to get this done this weekend while I am at home.


Originally Posted by Beckzilla
Finishing filling QT now. Anthia just died and trigger is dying.
Can I start hypo as soon as I get fish in QT. It is a 44 gallon tank. How much water to take out and change each time and what duration between changes? I want to get this done this weekend while I am at home.
I'm sorry to hear you lost one. Yes you can start hypo on them. You want the SG to reach 1.009 in 48 hours. You have to space out the changes so it doesn't get rushed. You don't want your fish to go into shock. It is much easier on them if you add the fresh water slowly rather than several large water changes. You can take out say 15 gallons and then slowly add fresh throughout the day. Keep measuring your salinity. You will start to see a patern of how much fresh causes it to drop by how many points.


Well my Blue Throat Trigger died this AM. This is getting very expensive. I just got that Trigger about a month ago. Just got the 2 clowns in the QT but am having trouble catching my LMB and six line wrasse. Any suggestions on how to catch would be appreciated.


Unfortunately, you may have to disassemble the rock work. You may even have to pull it out to catch them, but it has to be done. Try catching them durring feeding time, but in all likely hood you will have to move rocks.