Originally Posted by Beckzilla
My 44 gallon has a Mag 350 canister filter with 2 Bio wheels. Might use DT sand but would the liquid bacteria be adequate?
I am pretty certain that the bacteria from fw would die in sw, unless you wait untill you are in hypo to use the filter pad and biowheels (less salt, almost brackish. The bacteria would be fine in that). The sand would help, but here is the thing with that; the bacteria will live, but any organisms will die in hypo. There should be enough bacteria in the sand to cover the small amount of die off. All of that combined with some prime should be enough. You will probably still get some spikes, but not a full cycle. Just watch your parameters VERY closely and have water mixed to 1.009 ready to do a quick water change if need be. (you shouldn't see any spikes in the 48 hrs it takes to drop it)