HELP...Tangs Fighting!!



Okay I just added a gold rim tang to my tank. I already have an achillies tang in there. The guy at the lfs said they should be fine. When I put him in the achillies started beating the crap out of him. Now hes behind a rock and the achillies wont let him out. Will this stop or should I take him out. I thought they were supposed to be compatable. What should I do. :help:


They will most likely fish for the first day. If it doesnt go away, then take the Achilles out, re-arrange the rocks and put him back in after a week or so. Goodluck


There is a trick, turn off the lights , rearrange the rocks while you are dirp acclimating ANY new fish! Then they should be ok , Not always but works 90% of the time!


turn the lights off for a while they will be fine it happend to me with my clown tang and powder blue. we saved the powder blues life !!!!! but they are fine.good luck.


Active Member
How big is your tank? IMO if this is a smaller tank, they may never really get along, and you risk losing both....


In addition to the above, I have also found that using a piece of Plexiglass cut to fit your tank works too. (you can even have holes drilled in it for water flow, the glass place will do this.
Just divide the tank (if its big enough) with the Plexiglass, put the new fish on one side. After a day, take out the Plexiglass and they should be fine.


The achilles and gold rim tang are both from the same family, Acanthurus. Whoever told you they would ever get along in anything but a huge tank (300+ gallons) lied to you. You can rearrange the live rock all you want but they will probably still fight.
The Gold rimmed tang is sometimes confused with the powder brown. If you actually have a Gold Rim tang and an Achilles, you have THE HARDEST 2 tangs to keep alive long term. I hope you are very experienced, have a big tank with lots of live rock, and pristine water conditions. Otherwise you might want to consider getting something easier like a blue tang, yellow tang, heck even a powder blue is easier.


Active Member
Originally Posted by boalgf
The achilles and gold rim tang are both from the same family, Acanthurus. Whoever told you they would ever get along in anything but a huge tank (300+ gallons) lied to you. You can rearrange the live rock all you want but they will probably still fight.
The Gold rimmed tang is sometimes confused with the powder brown. If you actually have a Gold Rim tang and an Achilles, you have THE HARDEST 2 tangs to keep alive long term. I hope you are very experienced, have a big tank with lots of live rock, and pristine water conditions. Otherwise you might want to consider getting something easier like a blue tang, yellow tang, heck even a powder blue is easier.

(i agree)