Originally posted by cboyfan2020
i know I'm going to get flamed for telling you this but i have a 55g and about fish and 10 corals
1 yellow tang, 1 hippo tang, 4 green chromis, 1 pink anthias, 2 blennies, 1 maroon clown, 1 coral beauty, 1 condy, leathers(4), gonipora(flowerpot...going to get flamedon that one too), cabbage, filter feeding clam, 2 stars, 6 turbos, 3 cleaner chrimp, 1 horseshoe crab. All my levels are great except for a 50ppm nitrate reading. Fish doing great, corals growing. I have about 80lbs of live rock.
I wouldn't necessarily look at your fish load as the main cause. Maybe something died and it rotted in the water? HTH,
Bring on the flaming!!!!
how big are your fish and how old is your tank???
2 very important factors which may mean you are fine SO FAR. Does not mean that is not the problem with another tank
both are definitely overstocked
I would look at the sponge, it could be the culprit, but I would not stop there. It may also not be the culprit. The stocking is definitely a potential problem, if it is not already.
cboy, yours is terribly overstocked and unless those fish are all FULL GROWN and your tank has had them for a few months, I would not jump to the conclusion you are safe. NOT even for a second. Not flaming, just making you aware that it probably is not OK and will become a problem in time.
I definitely will not flame you for having a flowerpot. For, it is also probably partly why your tank is doing fine and the tank is also probably doing fine because of it, for now. Flower pots are not hard to keep at all, they require SUBSTANDARD WATER QUALITY to do best. The healthiest of them do best in tanks with water qualtity at such low levels that most of us will not maintain. And in turn, their diet helps to keep the levels low by eating the nutrients suspended in the water. Thsu helping to reduce nitrite and nitrate. These 2 work hand in hand. the flower pot is making you think the water is good and teh tank is helping you to keep the flower pot.