Help Tank Is Cloudy After Adding Live Sand!


New Member
First off I'm a noob! and I've been trying to use the search function to no avail...(i belong to a car forum and I know how noobs get
on for not using the search function)
Ok here it goes...
1) 55 gallon tank (saltwater of course... lol)
2) 60lbs of Live sand (Ocean Direct Caribbean live sand "new Oolite"?? I think thats where i went wrong
3) 1st attempt, mixed water in tank before adding sand, then dumped live sand into the tank and the cloudiness would not clear, even after over 24hrs of letting it sit.
4) 2nd attempt, mixed salt water separately, threw out cloudy water from tank and added the new water on the sand bed and its still cloudy!

Please tell me where I went wrong, this will be my second time setting up this tank, first time around i didnt have this problem, the only thing different that I did this time is use 60lbs of live sand, as opposed to a mixture 40lbs of live and 20lbs of regular sand 1st time around.
I'll try to take a pic of it tomorrow to see what you guys think.
Any suggestions are appreciated!
Thanks in advance,


first off welcome to the boards!!

i would just plug in some powerheads. It will settle over time. It can take a while. What kind of flow do you have in there?


If its a fine sugar sand it will take a while to calm and clear. My 90 gallon took FOREVER with my sugar sand. Like anything else in this hobby, a little time and some patience and you whould be fine. Happy Tanking


New Member
Originally Posted by nate0729
first off welcome to the boards!!

i would just plug in some powerheads. It will settle over time. It can take a while. What kind of flow do you have in there?
Right now I have a Penguin 350 on one side of the tank, and a powerhead 301 on the other side pointing towards the filter. I have an 801 but I feel that that is too much!



Active Member
to SWF!
It will take a day or so to clear. Just keep the filter going and let it be. Do not start over again.


New Member
The search function began to work now... so i'll do some searching for tips and tricks on keeping this tank running they way it should. Unfortunately I killed my last setup due to adding too much Neutralizer of some sort, cant remember if it was Nitrite or PH neutralizer.. all i know it smelled bad and filled my entire tank with a white cloudy film =(
I went into this hobby blind and I feel i did ok running it for nearly 2 yrs with no problems... that or i had HARDY FISH! LOL