HELP!! tank is recycling after 6months, 2 dead!


New Member
Ok I got a huge problem my tank crashed all of a sudden while I was at work, I came home to find all my fish breathing really heavy. I checked the water and everything was through the roof. Did water change 1 gallon And everything got seemed to clam down so I turned off the lights to let them rest for a few hours, 2 hours later I come to check on them and my royal gamma and cleaner shrimp were both dead, my two false clowns are huddled at the bottom of the tank breathing very heavy and not looking good. I can’t see how my goby is doing but I do see that he is breathing. My two-turbo snails look ok for the most part…. But they seem to be coming out of their shells like they are trying to lift themselves up higher. All of my fish have been in this tank for over a month now and I have NEVER had ammonia, nitrates, or nitrites in my tank since it has been cycled. All I can think of is I just dislocated my hip and couldn’t walk so I had my lfs guy come take care of my tank and he rearranged rock work in the tank after my damsel went wild (damsel went back to the lfs with the guy who did my tank). He said, “kicked up a lot of junk off the crushed coral” (yeah I know cc sucks)
How do I save my three little guys, do I put them in my qt tank? Or leave em alone?
Ammonia. 25
Nitrate 30
Nitrite .25
Ph 7.8


Staff member
Likely something died, and you need to get it out.
How big is your tank? Do a 30% water change and see if you find any dead bodies.


New Member
i did a 30% water change and found nothing dead... other than a clam shell which maybe have been a hitch hiker. i took everything out but my two turbo snails and put them in my qt tank they are doing MUCH better but they now have ick from the stress. problem is my qt tank is only 3 gallons. i have a ten gal qt tank set up but has not fully cycled yet. i just cant help but thinking he put to much aquel + in, i found the bottle and ALOT was missing. maybe he cut the oxygen to low?


Staff member
If a lot of rock moving was done, that could have caused the problem. Do you have LR? And type of inverts?


New Member
4 pounds live rock, 2 turbo snails, 1 cleaner shrimp and i found 2 small clams stuck in my live rock along with a shell of one. from what the lfs guy told me was he "re-did" the whole tank moving all the rocks, and kicking up stuff off the live rock. since i was laid up at the time i couldnt vaccum it... i figured he was. then he added aquel + to the tank 'just in case of a stirr up" my yellow watchman goby and 2 turbos are the only ones acting ok, actually my gobie didnt seem even the slightest affected in the problem tank.
now my female clown has white ick like spots all over her and she seems to be the only one infected now. they are all in a qt tank with no lr or inverts... bascially a hospital tank.


Staff member
"Kicking up" a tank is always a very bad idea. As you can see.
I'm thinking you can move the LR to another container, of rubbermaid, along with the inverts, and do hypo in your main tank to address the ich. What are the water conditions in there now?


New Member
everything is normal but the nitrates and the nitrites they are still the same. i put all my little guys into my 3 gallon qt/hospital tank and are treating them with the green med. i forget what its called starts with an m. and i put a filter meant for a 60 gallon tank on there to help keep everything in check. yeah i know its a bad idea thats why my lfs guy got fired! thank god he wasnt allowed to touch my 150 gallon i would have died!