I had this in the Fish section.
My 125 reef is having trouble. This morning when the lights came on the water was cloudy so I thought it might be my caluerpa going sexual, so I looked and found nothing wrong there. After taking a closer look 80% of my snails were on the sand upside down, they were not dead they just fell off the rock and glass. Then I looked at my corals 90% of them looked like crap closed up smaller then I have ever seen before.
Checked amm-.25, nitrite-0, NO3- barely detectable, temp 77.8, salinity 1.25.5
My smaller fish seem ok but my naso and scopus were breathing faster then normal.
So I checked all pumps and found my Rio 1400 on my UV was not running and the hose coming out of the UV smelled bad. So I did a 16 gal water chang(all I had) and threw in 2 bags of carbon.
After 3 hours still cloudy any ideas???
Corals, several kinds of shroons around 70 total
Kenya tree 3- or so not looking bad at all
Colt not as bad as others
Galexia, frog spawn, rose hammer, torch, bubble, green hammer all look like crap
Zoos all not open
Button polyps open, normal?
Any ideas......
My skimmer is kicked way down the water is at the base of the tube like when I feed so this leads me to think something got in the water.
Can corals release anything that would do this?
All fish accounted for but I am missing my orange linkia, he hides well...............
Only added Cal and alk b-ionic before the lights came on......
Also my anthelia poylops have been looking a little down lately could they be dieing and releasing something?
My 125 reef is having trouble. This morning when the lights came on the water was cloudy so I thought it might be my caluerpa going sexual, so I looked and found nothing wrong there. After taking a closer look 80% of my snails were on the sand upside down, they were not dead they just fell off the rock and glass. Then I looked at my corals 90% of them looked like crap closed up smaller then I have ever seen before.
Checked amm-.25, nitrite-0, NO3- barely detectable, temp 77.8, salinity 1.25.5
My smaller fish seem ok but my naso and scopus were breathing faster then normal.
So I checked all pumps and found my Rio 1400 on my UV was not running and the hose coming out of the UV smelled bad. So I did a 16 gal water chang(all I had) and threw in 2 bags of carbon.
After 3 hours still cloudy any ideas???
Corals, several kinds of shroons around 70 total
Kenya tree 3- or so not looking bad at all
Colt not as bad as others
Galexia, frog spawn, rose hammer, torch, bubble, green hammer all look like crap
Zoos all not open
Button polyps open, normal?
Any ideas......
My skimmer is kicked way down the water is at the base of the tube like when I feed so this leads me to think something got in the water.
Can corals release anything that would do this?
All fish accounted for but I am missing my orange linkia, he hides well...............
Only added Cal and alk b-ionic before the lights came on......
Also my anthelia poylops have been looking a little down lately could they be dieing and releasing something?