HELP! Tenting House for Termites!!!


Member I just found out that I will have to tent my house for termites :mad: and VERY SOON. I read the one thread I found on here dealing with the subject, and since I don't feel comfortable wrapping it in plastic and connecting an air compressor - I think my only option is to move it somewhere else.
Two Questions:
1. How long should I wait before I bring it all back into my house? If the treatment itself is a couple days and they allow ME to return and breathe the air, is that good enough for my tank? Should I wait longer?
2. What exactly will the chemicals do to the tank? Will it kill EVERYTHING (fish, corals, rock, snails/crabs)? What if I just transfered my fish to another location - will the other stuff survive???


Active Member
1. If it is safe for you, it should be safe for your fish.
2. The chemicals will pretty much kill everything in your tank and leave it toxic for fish as the rocks and sand will be saturated with them.....rendering them useless.
You should either make a plastic bubble with an outside airhose feeding it or move the entire thing. Perhaps you could contact the company doing the tenting as they may have delt with things like this before and may have some advice.
Good luck


Has ANYONE out there dealt with this before? Can you please tell me what you did...or what you WOULD have done (after actually going through it)


New Member
well, i treated my house last fall for termites also. i didn't do anything to cover mine because all they did to treat my house was dig a 1foot deep trench about a foot away from the walls of the house to pour chems into. just kept all windows closed was all i did. I don't know what they plan on doing to your house though. best of luck.


Jon770, I was curious to know what you did about the fish tank.
I will be tenting my house next week and have no clue as to what to do with the tank.
Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
Anyone else gone through this?


Actually, upon further inspection I was told that tenting would not be required...which was a HUGE relief.
After speaking to a number of people, I was planning on just taking the tank out and leaving it at my neighbor's house (which coincidentally, is my brother-in-law). I was told that I could leave it in the house - but I should take out all the fish and corals, and throw a powerhead in there to keep some circulation for the rocks - then wrap the top up with cling-wrap...
Although it would have been a bigger hassle, I still probably would have moved it because I wouldn't trust my ability to wrap it perfectly...and I didn't want to risk anything getting into the tank.
Hope that helped


That's exactly how we feel. We really dont want to disasemble everything and have to move the tank to my neighbours house, but I dont trust wrapping the tank and leaving everything inside. The exterminator said it was fine to leave the tank home as long as the fish dont breath off the surface like goldfish because the vikane gas does not penetrate water but I'm still worried.
What a pain. I was hoping you left it at home and everything survived. Oh well