Help.. they always die


Everytime I add new water all my fish except my clown fish... I dont know what I am doing wrong. I bought a tds meter and a refroctometer. I let the water sit for no less that 48 hours witha pump and thermometer in it making sure it is well mix. I started adding the water very slowly. Like a cup full every 1 hour or so and bam. I woke up to dead fish again! and one lying the ground barely alive, so I am moving him to another tank to see if I can help him live. Everything looks good. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates, 0 nitrites, 8.1 PH and Salinity at 1.024. I have a 24 gallon nano cube.
It has to be the water changes.. I am doing somethng wrong, because they always die after I add new water...


Active Member
What is the temp of the water going back in? Is it always the exact same as your 24?
How big of a water change are you doin?


I get the water the same temp as my tank and I was doing a 5% water change, but I didnt finish, because like I said I was trying to do something new and 1 cup every hour or so. So I completely maybe a 2.5% water change.


There is something more to this. Freshly mixed saltwater doesn't kill fish.
What salt are you using? What water source are you using? What is your tank temp?


How often do you do water changes? What test kits are you using, and how old are they? How often are you buying fish? How many fish?


I am using Reef Crystals 160 gallon mix. I use 1/2 a cup per gallon and then measure with the refractometer.
I am using Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit and it was bought 6 months ago. I bought fish 2 weeks ago (a black cap basslet, blenny and a pufferfish) I didnt change any water, but I used a lot in the acclimation. So I added 2 1/2 gallons and lost the blenny. Waited a week and started to add 2 1/2 (didnt finish) and lost the basslet and the puffer is on the verge of death..
I use water from smiths. I went to every store in town and tested their water. Smiths was the lowest. It read 2.


This is not the first time this has happened though. About 2 months ago I bought a tang he was doing great for 2 weeks. Did a water change and bam he died... The only ones that survived are my clownfish...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaDuncan
This is not the first time this has happened though. About 2 months ago I bought a tang he was doing great for 2 weeks. Did a water change and bam he died... The only ones that survived are my clownfish...
Well, a tang and puffer (depending on the type) are both poor choices for a 24 gallon tank. This could be part of the problem, as well.


Active Member
Do you ever test the water you are adding back into the tank once the saltwater is mixed? Perhaps you have a bad batch of salt...


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Well, a tang and puffer (depending on the type) are both poor choices for a 24 gallon tank. This could be part of the problem, as well.
I researched them and both of them said they would be ok in a 24 gallon. But... seriously I have lost about 10 fish since december. I wait a month buy a few more and bam the die as soon as I change the water.
I bought a shrimp acclimated him, then added new water. he died. The only common thing about their death is it happens after a water change. I have not lost a fish any other time....


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Do you ever test the water you are adding back into the tank once the saltwater is mixed? Perhaps you have a bad batch of salt...
Test for what? The only thing I test before I add it back is for specific gravity.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaDuncan
I researched them and both of them said they would be ok in a 24 gallon. But... seriously I have lost about 10 fish since december. I wait a month buy a few more and bam the die as soon as I change the water.
I bought a shrimp acclimated him, then added new water. he died. The only common thing about their death is it happens after a water change. I have not lost a fish any other time....
Is this a new 24 gallon tank or did you buy it off of someone?
Have you ever dosed anything in the tank?


Originally Posted by namas05
Where are you getting the water? Are you using RO/DI water? Have you tested your freshly mixed SW?
I am getting it at the machine at smiths, I believe it is called glacier something. It read the lowest out of all the machines. Before I was using distilled water. Should I test it for like nitrates, ammonia, nitrites and ph? I still have about 1 gallon left of the water i added last night.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Is this a new 24 gallon tank or did you buy it off of someone?
Have you ever dosed anything in the tank?
This tank is new in December. The only additives I have added are reef suppliments.. I might add all of my corals do fine... I have only lost 1 coral.
I just tried to test the water with tds.. and I am getting an error.


Are you treating the water with Stress coat or anything else to dechlorinate? Maybe their filter is failing.