Help to identify this thingy????



On the glass in one of our tanks that only has algae in it, there are several little "see through" things. they are only as big as a piece of lead from a pencil and they really do look like you can see through them. What are they? They act like snails, it looks as though they clean the glass, they are interesting, I'll have to borrow my friend's camera sometime, who knows if they'll show up though....
Ambie :confused:
[ August 30, 2001: Message edited by: schroder_reef ]


Active Member
Just a guess: Limpets?
Good luck! I've got some mystery stuff too, but it's all good! :cool:
Dan'l :D


there little pods in my opinion , i have them too. Have you ever turned on the lights at night and seen a ton of bigger ones running around? There good in the sense that your tank must be developing.


i have some of them in a tank without livestock too, if they are the same thing as you are talking about. clear and snail like, but without a shell. i see one here and there occasionally. almist like a nudibranch, but smaller and without the tenticles.