Help To Increase Flow to Sump


New Member
Just wanted to get some ideas/ suggestions for increasing my flow to my sump filter. Heres a little important info:
I currently have a 55 gal tank with a HOB overflow box plumbed with 1" PVC (with a few elbows) to my 15 gal sump. My return pump is a quiet one 3000. This Return line is also 1"pvc with a few elbows and a head height of about 4 feet. This return line is plumbed up the back of the tank, makes a 90 and runs along the top of the tank. There are 2 elbows with independent ball valves and lock line plumbing on each ball valve. The pump @ a 4 foot head height should pump about 600 gal/hr. My overflow box has (1) 1 1/4 overflow u tube and one drain.
I guess this leads to my question. so here it goes...
My ball valves are turned down way low in order not to overflow the tank, and i feel that the return line on the box is not keeping up with the pumps maximum output. How would i go about increasing the return line volume to intern increase the output i can set the pumps at. Would just installing another u tube and drill another hole in my overflow box do the trick??
Oppinions/ Suggetions/ Coments... Please