HELP!!!!!! To much bubbles!!!


I am useing a Sequence ReeFlo Wahoo UNO Pump and well I just took out my protein Skimmer to mybe stop the small bubbles but nope that didn't work!!! So now I know it is the pump so does any body now how to stop it?.. I have try to seal eveything that I can and still does it!!! HELP ME!!!!


I have try that... It didn't work.. It suck the water into the pump and then out of the pump and when it comes out of the pump thats where the bubbles are coming from... How do you take care of that?.. :notsure:

sign guy

Active Member
tell us more about your setup is the pumps bulkhead fully sumersed in water. how old is the pump?



Originally Posted by sign guy
tell us more about your setup is the pumps bulkhead fully sumersed in water. how old is the pump?
Yes it is.. The pump bulkhead is a PVC and the pump is about 2 weeks old.. But I hate it so much.
I'm going to try a driffent pump but its to bad I spend over $300 on that pump and it makes so much bubbles in my main tank. I can't belive it. There are so much bubbles it makes my tank look fogging. I will try to get a pic of it tommorrow to show you how I got it setup.. Thank you people for trying to help me


Yes its fully sumbmersed!... But still having bubbles.. :mad: :mad: :mad: I'm going to buy a driffent pump but I just wish it didn't do the bubbles.
Here is a pic of it...