Help! Toadfish and Porc Puff


well my toadfish is really humble he just chills on the bottom of the tank he is a good size and toad fish are not to be known to be violent at all but today i was watching my tank and he snapped at my porcupine puffer and bit him!!!!
its not a noticeable bite or anything like that but it was really suprising and i dunno what the deal is?? do you think he was just hungry it was before he ate today ??? please help any comment or suggestions are greatly appreciated

ledzep fan

Active Member
Maybe your tank is too small. The toadfish maybe just wanted some space and the puffer was bothering him or getting too close. Thats probablly why he snapped.


Originally Posted by TriGGer29
well my toadfish is really humble he just chills on the bottom of the tank he is a good size and toad fish are not to be known to be violent at all but today i was watching my tank and he snapped at my porcupine puffer and bit him!!!!
its not a noticeable bite or anything like that but it was really suprising and i dunno what the deal is?? do you think he was just hungry it was before he ate today ??? please help any comment or suggestions are greatly appreciated

Never be fooled by the "humble" nature of a toadfish. They hide in their cave of lay at the bottom until prey is near. He probably didn't mean to get the puffer but he was there. What have you been feeding the toadfish?


ive been feeding him frozen crill he eats almost everyday.
thats what i thought that he just chills and waits for prey but the toadfish was swimming around some of my LR and swam up and snapped at him
he went out of his way to get that puffer

do you think he was just hungry?
just playing around not really trying to get him just thought he would bite him once??


Toadfish do that,that is there only line of defense if they feel threatened.
Hunger will obviously cause him to do that also.You should try feeding him more then just Krill.Like Shrimp,Raw Fish,etc....
How big is your toadfish? Mine is Approx 8-9" and is a really cool fish to have.Ive had mine around 2 years now.

vegas made

my tank is 60 gallons and i am in the process of getting a 180 gallon but my toadfish is probably 7" he is the biggest fish i have my porc puffer is just a little thing and my blue-line trigger sleeps on top of my toad fish they are like best friends lol
nothing has happened since that one time and now i grab like 4 shrimps and just take them down to him in my hand at the bottom of my tank and wave it in front of him and he eats them all in one bite


Active Member
toadfish. like lions have the ability to open their mouths incredibly wide, if he thinks he can fit it in his mouth he will try.

vegas made

Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
toadfish. like lions have the ability to open their mouths incredibly wide, if he thinks he can fit it in his mouth he will try.
my puffer isnt smaLL enough to fit in his mouth but he is pretty close