HELP!! Too many particles in my tank


I wanted to know if anyone knows how to get those annoying particles that are floating around in circles in my tank out... I have two powerheads in my 110 tank and in the sump I have micron filters, a protein skimmer, and a bag of carbon. What else should I do to get my water crystal clear without the use of any chemicals? These particulates are taking away from the beauty of the tank. In the pic you can see them floating around behind the maroon clown.


I have the same thing and mine are def not bubbles, its just junk floating in the tank. I cant get rid of mine either


New Member
If it is biomatter I would suggest a UV system to help nuke in small organic material. We use them on our reefs and they stay crystal clear.


I was told to buy a vortech diatom filter and run it 2 to 3 hours a week and it will eliminate the floaters and even parasites like ICK


New Member
The diatom filtewr is a good idea aswell with small micron filter size you should be able to clear your tank in no time.


New Member
A diatom Filter is one with very small filter pores that trap just about everything, this is why it is used for "seasonal cleaning" and is not ment to be ran alll the time. It has the ability to capture diatoms which are the brown hairy slime you see in some tanks.


Look closely at the circulation in yor tank sometimes the pumps make the flow so nothing will go over to the skimmer and the junk keeps going around in the tank untill it brakes up and settles to the bottom or on a coral or rock re direct the flow and watch them go away.
Also you should take a baster and try blowing off one of your corals to see if the junk is collecting in the tank and not going to the sump
Good Luck


I had this problem. I had an aquaclear HOB filter laying around. I filled it up with sponge filter media and ran it for a week, changing the filter media every other day. It worked great